Local Planning Panel

This page lists the meetings for Local Planning Panel.

Information about Local Planning Panel

What is the Local Planning Panel?


The Local Planning Panel is an independent committee appointed by Council to determine certain development applications.


The Local Planning Panel is not subject to the direction or control of Council, except on matters relating to panel procedures or to the time the panel must deal with a matter as required by a ministerial direction issued under section 7.17 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.


How was the Local Planning Panel Established?


In 2017 the NSW Government passed legislation that required local planning panels to be established for all councils and the Sydney metropolitan area.


The establishment of local planning panels removed Councillor involvement in the determination of development applications.


The City of Sydney Local Planning Panel was established by Council resolution on 19 February 2018.


Which applications does the Local Planning Panel determine?


The criteria that identify which development applications are to be determined by the Local Planning Panel are specified in Schedule 3 of the direction issued by the Minister for Planning under section 9.1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and pertain to:


·         a conflict of interest

·         contentious development

·         a significant breach of a development standard

·         a sensitive development (such as demolition of a heritage item)


Panel members


The Local Planning Panel is made up of four members, selected from an approved list. Each meeting panel consists of a chair (nominated by the Minister for Planning), two expert members (selected from a list of experts approved by the Minister for Planning) and a community representative (selected from a list approved by Council).


Current panel members are listed here.


Agendas and minutes


You can search or browse our Council and Committee meetings archive for business papers and minutes. Electronic recordings of meetings are available online for one year.


Code of conduct


All members of the panel are bound by the Code of Conduct for Local Planning Panel Members. The Code of Conduct aims to ensure that all decisions of the Local Planning Panel are made in accordance with proper processes and that all stakeholders are treated fairly.


Operational procedures


The Minister for Planning has issued a further direction under Section 9.1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 setting operational procedures which are designed to ensure that local planning panels meet their obligations in the most efficient and effective manner.


The Local Planning Panel has developed and endorsed operational procedures for the panel.


The operations of the panel will be consistent with the operation of Council and its Committees and the Central Sydney Planning Committee.


Speaking at Local Planning Panel meetings


As part of our democratic process, members of the community are invited to speak directly to members of the Local Planning Panel about items on the agenda.


Speakers must abide by the Guidelines for speakers at meetings and the Operational Procedures.


Written submissions to the Local Planning Panel


As required by the Operational Procedures, any written representation pertaining to meeting agenda items, from proponents or other interested parties, must be submitted to secretariat@cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au by 5.00pm on the Friday prior to the meeting.


Meetings webcast


In accordance with the City of Sydney Local Planning Panel Operational Procedures, meetings of the panel are audio visually recorded and webcast live on the City’s website.


Local Planning Panel briefings


The panel receives a briefing from key Council staff on matters on the agenda and have the opportunity to ask questions or seek clarification on any issues. The briefing presentations are available on the relevant meeting date.