Development Application: 290-294 Botany Road, Alexandria

26/06/2019 - Development Application: 290-294 Botany Road, Alexandria - D/2018/1500

Mr Carter left the meeting at 5.54pm, prior to discussion on Item 4, and returned to the meeting at 6.14pm, at the conclusion of discussion and voting on Item 4.

The Panel:

(A)        granted deferred commencement consent to Development Application No. D/2018/1500 pursuant to Section 4.16(3) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, subject to conditions as detailed in Attachment A of the subject report; and

(B)        approved the design excellence strategy for 290-294 Botany Road, prepared by Urbis and dated 7 May 2019, pursuant to Section 3.3.1 of the Sydney Development Control Plan 2012 and Section 1.2 of the Competitive Design Policy.

Reasons for Decision

The application was approved, subject to a deferred commencement consent, for the following reasons:

(A)        The proposed land uses of retail, commercial and office are consistent with the objectives of the B4 mixed use zone as per the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012.

(B)        The proposed height is consistent with the permitted height pursuant to Clause 4.3 of Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012.

(C)       The proposed development will be the subject of a competitive design process in accordance with Clause 6.21(5) of Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012.

(D)       The proposed bulk and form of the development is consistent with existing and future planned development. The design excellence strategy includes ESD targets which have to be incorporated into the detailed design. A landscape strategy and public art strategy are also recommended to be approved as part of this consent. As such, the proposed development is considered to meet the requirements of Clauses 6.21(3) and 6.21(4), and Clause 7.21 of Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012.

(E)        The proposed setbacks and design conditions will result in a development which does not unreasonably impact on the amenity of adjoining developments. This relationship can be further refined through the competitive design process and detailed development application.

(F)        The proposed development will result in additional community infrastructure in accordance with Clause 6.14 of Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012, as per the submitted Public Benefit Offer and Voluntary Planning Agreement. A deferred commencement condition is recommended requiring this Voluntary Planning Agreement to be executed and registered on title prior to the consent becoming operative.

Carried unanimously.



Mr Tony Chenchow (Chenchow Little Architects – on behalf of the applicant) and Ms Genevieve Beard (Urbis – on behalf of the applicant).