It is resolved that:
Council decline to accept the tender offers for
the Sydney Park Brick Kilns Precinct Upgrade for the reasons outlined in
Confidential Attachment A to the subject report;
Council does not invite fresh tenders, as it is
considered that inviting fresh tenders would not attract additional contractors
over and above those that have responded to this tender and preceding
Expression of Interest;
authority be delegated to the Chief Executive
Officer to enter into negotiations with any person with a view to entering into
a contract on terms that are appropriate in relation to the subject matter of
the tender;
(D) Council note that the outcome
of negotiations will be reported back to Council;
(E) Council
approve additional contract contingency for the Head Design Consultant services
during the construction stage of the Sydney Park Brick Kilns Precinct Upgrade
for the amount outlined in Confidential Attachment A to the subject report.
Carried unanimously.