Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Development Application: 28-36 Bayswater Road, Potts Point - D/2023/71 ref: 561327/11/202427/11/2024Not for call-in
Development Application: 93 Wigram Road, Glebe - D/2024/288 ref: 561427/11/202427/11/2024Not for call-in
Report to the Local Planning Panel - Status of Applications ref: 561527/11/202427/11/2024Not for call-in
Schedule of Conditions ref: 549314/11/202414/11/2024Not for call-in
Securing A Pay Rise for Early Childhood Education Workers ref: 551925/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
Abolishing University of Sydney Residential Colleges ref: 552025/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
Vale Leon Paroissien AM ref: 549825/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
Haven House South Dowling Street ref: 550025/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
Enhancing Street Cleaning and Urgent Action on Waste in NSW ref: 549925/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
Vale Sharne Dunsmore ref: 549725/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
Vale Ian Stephenson ref: 549625/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
Abolishing Subminimum Wages for Disabled Workers ref: 551125/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
Democratic Right to Protest ref: 551325/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
City of Sydney Insourcing Framework ref: 552225/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
Greater Sydney Parklands - Council Nomination for Centennial Parklands Community Trustee Board ref: 550125/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
More Recycled Roads and Sustainable Pavement Applications Across the City of Sydney ref: 552625/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
The City of Sydney Council Condemns the Gender Based Violence at Sydney University ref: 552825/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
City of Sydney to Establish Guiding Principles for the Potential Public Land Divestment of Victoria Barracks ref: 552925/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
Have Yourself a More Sustainable Christmas ref: 553025/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
Property Matter (Confidential) ref: 552725/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
Exemption from Tender - Planning Agreement – 130 Joynton Avenue, Zetland ref: 552525/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
Investments Held as at 31 October 2024 ref: 550425/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
Freedom Ride 60th Anniversary Event ref: 551225/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
Review of the Investment Policy and Strategy ref: 550525/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
Public Exhibition - Planning Proposal - Chinatown Heritage Items - Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 Amendment ref: 552125/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
Post Exhibition - Cultural Strategy 2025-2035 ref: 550925/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
Grants and Sponsorship - Economic Grants ref: 551525/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
Proposed Land Re-Classification for Community Use ref: 550625/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
Fire Safety Reports ref: 552425/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
Flying All of The Pride Flags of Importance at Taylor Square ref: 553125/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
Grants and Sponsorship - Creative Grants ref: 551025/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
Grants and Sponsorship - Social Grants ref: 551425/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
Grants and Sponsorship - Environmental Grants ref: 550825/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
2024/25 Quarter 1 Review – Delivery Program 2022-2026 ref: 550225/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
City of Sydney State of our City 2024, 2023/24 Annual Reporting and Public Presentation of the 2023/24 Financial Statements and Audit Reports to Council ref: 550325/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
Public Exhibition - Central Sydney On-Street Parking Policy ref: 551725/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
Public Exhibition - Car Sharing Policy ref: 551825/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
Public Exhibition - Neighbourhood On-Street Parking Policy ref: 551625/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
Works Deed and Lease Approval - Taylor Square Substation and Underground Toilets ref: 550725/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
Post Exhibition - Planning Proposal - Dwelling Retention - Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 Amendment ref: 552325/11/202425/11/2024Not for call-in
Public Exhibition - Planning Proposal - Chinatown Heritage Items - Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 Amendment ref: 546014/11/202414/11/2024Not for call-in
Post Exhibition - Planning Proposal - Dwelling Retention - Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 Amendment ref: 545914/11/202414/11/2024Not for call-in
Proposed Schedule of Central Sydney Planning Committee Meetings and Briefings for 2025 ref: 546114/11/202414/11/2024Not for call-in
Summary of Applications to be Reported to the Central Sydney Planning Committee ref: 546214/11/202414/11/2024Not for call-in
Development Application: 27-31 Doody Street, Alexandria - D/2024/238 ref: 545814/11/202414/11/2024Not for call-in
Section 4.55 Application: 338 Botany Road, Alexandria - D/2019/87/C ref: 545514/11/202414/11/2024Not for call-in
Development Application: 338 Botany Road, Alexandria - D/2024/273 ref: 545614/11/202414/11/2024Not for call-in
Development Application: 265-273 George Street, Sydney - D/2024/367 ref: 545714/11/202414/11/2024Not for call-in