Item for Committee Information - Parking - No Stopping Australia Post Vehicles Excepted - Pitt Street, Sydney

Decision Maker: Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Determined




It is recommended that the Committee note the following parking changes in Sydney:

(A)      Reallocation of parking on the eastern side of Pitt Street, between the points 30 metres and 36 metres (one car space), north of Spring Street as "No Stopping Australia Post Vehicles Excepted 3 Min Limit"; and

(B)      Reallocation of parking on the southern side of Bond Street, between the points 11 metres and 17 metres (one car space), west of Pitt Street as "Loading Zone Ticket 6am-6pm Mon-Fri 6am-10am Sat" and "4P Ticket 6pm-12am Mon-Fri 10am-10pm Sat 8am-10pm Sun & Public Holidays".


Voting Members for this Item

Voting Members



City of Sydney



Transport for NSW



NSW Police – Sydney City PAC



Representative for the Member for Sydney





The Committee carried the recommendation unanimously out-of-session on the 29 July 2022.


A separated cycleway was recently installed in Pitt Street, Sydney to improve connectivity, safety and accessibility for bicycle riders in the CBD.  As part of the Pitt Street cycleway works, an Australia Post mail box is proposed to be relocated to the eastern side of Pitt Street, north of Spring Street.

Report author: Clement Lim

Publication date: 18/08/2022

Date of decision: 18/08/2022

Decided at meeting: 18/08/2022 - Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee

Accompanying Documents: