Decision Maker: Local Planning Panel
Decision status: Recommendations Determined
The Panel:
(A) upheld the variation requested to the 'height of buildings' development standard in accordance with Clause 4.6 'Exceptions to development standards' of the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012; and
granted consent to Development
Application No.
The advertising panel facing the
park is not approved.
The design of the APT is to be
modified to include a green wall on the elevation facing the park.
The finalised plan and details are
to be submitted to Council’s Area Planning Manager for review and approval
prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate.
A detailed green wall decommissioning report
(including plans, sections and details drawn to scale, and technical
specification) prepared by a qualified landscape architect, landscape designer
or green wall specialist, is to be submitted to and approved by the Area
Planning Manager / Area Planning Coordinator prior to the issue of a
Construction Certificate. This shall include the following:
details of the green wall
construction, including proposed materials, planter dimensions, fixings and
resolution of the appearance of
the APT, should the APT green wall elements fail en
masse. Submit a plan and section details to demonstrate the appearance of the
APT without the green wall and/or green roof, if this outcome eventuates; and
a plan outlining the intended
strategy for decommissioning and rectification if APT planting works fail. This
is to ensure the green wall is maintained throughout its life and for the
duration of the ten year contract.
Remaining conditions to be renumbered accordingly.
The application was approved for the following reasons:
(A) The development, subject to conditions, serves the public interest as it will provide an essential community facility serving an outdoor recreation area and will enhance the amenity of the local area.
(B) The proposal satisfies the objectives of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979, in that, subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions as recommended, it achieves the objectives of the planning controls for the site.
(C) The development complies with the objectives of the MU1 Mixed Use zone pursuant to Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012.
Based upon the material available to the
(i) The applicant’s written request has adequately addressed the matters required to be demonstrated by clause 4.6(3) of the Sydney LEP 2012, that compliance with the 'height of buildings' development standard is unreasonable or unnecessary and that there are sufficient planning grounds to justify contravening clause 4.3 of the Sydney LEP 2012; and
(ii) The proposal is in the public interest because it is consistent with the objectives of the MU1 Mixed Use zone and the 'height of buildings' development standard.
(E) Appropriate conditions are recommended to ensure the proposed development will be effectively maintained and kept clean.
(F) The development accords with objectives of relevant planning controls.
(G) Conditions 2 and 3 were added to improve the amenity of the park.
Carried unanimously.
Report author: Veronique Hoffman
Publication date: 12/09/2023
Date of decision: 06/09/2023
Decided at meeting: 06/09/2023 - Local Planning Panel
Accompanying Documents: