Late Item - Item for Committee Information - Removal of Right-Turn from Park Street, into Pitt Street and Construction of Kerb Build-Outs for Enhanced Pedestrian Safety

Decision Maker: Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Determined




It is recommended that the Committee note the below changes:

(A)      The removal of the right-turn, from Park St (Westbound) to Pitt St (Northbound), for addressing safety concerns with pedestrian and motorist conflicts; and

(B)      The construction of kerb buildouts, for enhanced pedestrian safety and amenity at the southern corners of Park St and Pitt St, as noted on the plan.

Voting Members for this Item

Voting Members



City of Sydney



Transport for NSW



NSW Police – Sydney City PAC



Representative for the Member for Sydney





The Committee unanimously supported the recommendation.


Between 2015 and 2020, a crash cluster with a rate 5x greater than Sydney's average road users occurred at this intersection, with a total of 15 crashes recorded. Of these 15 crashes, 7, were pedestrian crashes, 3 caused serious injury and there was 1 fatality east of the intersection.

The project treatments are part of the 2026 Road Safety Action Plan, which looks at halving the deaths and reducing severe injuries by 30% on NSW roads by 2030.

The project is part of the Road Safety Program, and specifically aims to address these safety concerns identified by providing enhanced pedestrian facilities and elimination of pedestrian-motorist conflicts.

With the existing pedestrian demand already significant at this intersection, this will only increase due to the opening of the Sydney Metro station located at the corners of Park Street, with Pitt Street and Castlereagh Street.


Transport for NSW will deliver the project to improve safety and amenity at this location by addressing road safety concerns identified.

Removal of Right-Turn

The removal of the right turn will eliminate the conflict with pedestrians crossing Pitt St, with motorists turning right from Park St. Traffic counts and surveys have been undertaken at the intersection, to identify and analyse the most suitable diversion route for motorists accessing the Pitt St corridor.

It has been determined, while considering the existing and future changes known at this time, that Castlereagh St and Liverpool St will be the most suitable alternate route for motorists and customers accessing the businesses located at the Pitt St corridor.

Kerb Buildouts

The construction of kerb buildouts will provide enhanced pedestrian amenity and wider footpath space for pedestrians crossing Park St and Pitt St. The footpath widening will improve pedestrian safety and accessibility while reducing the distance for pedestrians crossing at the intersection.

The kerb buildouts will not have any significant impacts to the bus zones, parking, and adjacent traffic lanes.

A plan showing the locations of the kerb buildouts is shown below.

Stakeholder engagement

We engaged with stakeholders that would be affected by removing the right-turn and kerb buildouts. These stakeholders were Hilton Hotel, Wilson Parking, Citigroup, Woolworths and Australia Post.

Wilson Parking was unhappy with our proposal, as they are concerned it will impact revenue. Public liability teams' details were given to Wilson, as they would like compensation for the loss of income that may occur due to these changes.

Comments identified were regarding the alternate routes and the subsequent duration of timing for travel, potential for implementing pedestrian protection measures which could be substituted instead of removal of the right-turn at this location.

Transport for NSW had responded to these comments, by sharing the details of the alternate routes identified, with analysis of travel time duration for the motorists and confirmed that there will be no restriction in access to the businesses along Park St.

Responses to the engagement process also informed the stakeholders that the current pedestrian protection measures at Park St and Pitt St had been implemented by Transport for NSW, in 2016 and the next step in addressing the safety concerns requires the removal of the right-turn at this intersection.

Our meeting with Woolworths and Australia post identified that changes to the kerbside parking arrangement would no longer be viable, as Big W is moving in and there would be more deliveries. TfNSW will offer Hilton some printable maps they can give guests on alternate routes and give Wilson key findings from this study.


The project will be funded and delivered by Transport for NSW.

MOhammed irfan, senior Network and Safety Services officer, Transport for new south wales


Publication date: 15/09/2022

Date of decision: 15/09/2022

Decided at meeting: 15/09/2022 - Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee