Parking - Electric Vehicle (EV) Parking - St Johns Road, Glebe

Decision Maker: Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Determined




It is recommended that the Committee endorse the reallocation of parking on the northern side of St Johns Road, Glebe between the points 59 metres and 71 metres (two car spaces) west of Glebe Point Road as "4P 8am-8pm Electric Vehicles Only While Charging" and "No Parking Electric Vehicles Excepted While Charging All Other Times".

Voting Members for this Item

Voting Members



City of Sydney



Transport for NSW



NSW Police – Leichhardt PAC



Representative for the Member for Balmain





The Committee unanimously supported the recommendation and noted that an update will be provided to the Committee at the completion of the trial.


The City’s Draft Electrification Strategy and Action Plan identifies the need for a small supply of on-street electric vehicle charging in areas with limited access to off-street charging opportunities. The Draft Action Plan identifies the need to trial small-scale, on-street vehicle charging using low impact technology on power poles.

In collaboration with Ausgrid, the City is proposing a trial of on-street electrification vehicle charging using Ausgrid infrastructure in St Johns Road, Glebe. .

Report author: Ganesh Vengadasalam

Publication date: 16/02/2023

Date of decision: 16/02/2023

Decided at meeting: 16/02/2023 - Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee

Accompanying Documents: