Section 4.56 Application: 357 Glebe Point Road, Glebe - D/2017/582/A

Decision Maker: Local Planning Panel

Decision status: Recommendations Determined


The Panel granted consent to Section 4.56 Application No. D/2017/582/A, subject to the amendment of the following conditions, with modifications shown in bold italics (additions), bold italics underlined (where further amended) and strikethrough (deletions), as follows:


(a)        Subject to the conditions of this consent, a concept plan consent is granted for building envelopes for a residential development to accommodate a 6 part 3, part 7 storey residential apartment building with a 2 level basement, and 8 7 x two storey plus attic dwellings, including the retention of Bidura House Group, demolition of the Metropolitan Remand Centre, and associated site works including tree removal.

(b)        Any detailed development application must be in accordance with the following drawings prepared by DKO:

Drawing Name

Drawing Number



Envelope Plan: Footprint

A1.2_E Rev. I


28/11/2018 28/04/2022

Envelope Plan: Upper Storey Setbacks

A1.3_F Rev. J


28/11/2018 18/08/2022 

Envelope Detail: Apartment

A1.4_E Rev. I


28/11/2018 28/04/2022

Envelope Detail: Terrace dwellings

A1.5_G Rev. J


04/12/2018 18/08/2022

Envelope: Sections 1/2

A1.6_G Rev. I


04/12/2018 18/08/2022

Envelope Sections: 2/2

A1.7_G Rev. I


04/12/2018 28/04/2022

Envelope: Elevations 1/2

A1.8_G Rev. J


04/12/2018 18/08/2022

Envelope: Elevations 2/2

A1.9_G Rev. J


04/12/2018 18/08/2022

Reference Sections

A1.13_F Rev. H


04/12/2018  22/06/2021

Reference Sections

A1.14_F Rev. I


04/12/2018 28/04/2022

Reference Sections

A1.15_E Rev. J


04/12/2018 18/08/2022

Compliance drawings

Site Plan-Existing




Demolition Plan




and as amended by the conditions of this consent.

(c)        In the event of any inconsistency between the approved plans and supplementary documentation, the drawings will prevail.

(d)        The detailed apartment building design is to include elements within the articulation zone to create a consistent two storey scale to Ferry Lane.

(e)        Lift overrun levels shown in plans are to include lift overruns and building plant only.

Reasons for Decision

The application was approved for the following reasons:

(A)       The development as modified is substantially the same as was originally approved and is consistent with the requirements of Section 4.56(1) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979.

(B)       The proposed modifications ensure that the detailed design development application is consistent with the concept approval to satisfy Section 4.24(2) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979.

(C)       The increased height and bulk of the building envelopes are in keeping with the desired future character of the area and will not adversely impact the amenity of the surrounding area. These variations are reasonable and justified with regard to the detailed design development application D/2021/711.

(D)       The proposed building envelopes are capable of accommodating a future building design which is capable of exhibiting design excellence in accordance with Clause 6.21C of the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012.

(E)       Condition 2(a) was further amended to address the inconsistency between the proposal and the modified description.

Carried unanimously.



Report author: Jessica Symons

Publication date: 06/09/2023

Date of decision: 30/08/2023

Decided at meeting: 30/08/2023 - Local Planning Panel

Accompanying Documents: