Section 4.55 Application: 169-183 Liverpool Street, Sydney - D/2019/992/A

Decision Maker: Central Sydney Planning Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Determined


Moved by the Chair (the Lord Mayor), seconded by Councillor Chan -

It is resolved that consent be granted to Section 4.55 Application Number D/2019/992/A subject to the amendment of the following conditions (with modifications shown in bold italics (additions) and strikethrough (deletions), as follows):


(a)       Development must be in accordance with Development Application No. D/2019/992 dated 6 September 2019 27 September 2023 and the following drawings prepared by Crone Partners Pty Ltd Bates Smart:

Drawing Name

Drawing Number


Proposed Building Envelope Plan

DA- A- 10500 Revision B S1DA-01.00 Revision E

18.06.20 27/09/23

Proposed Building Envelope Plan Lower Ground

10508 Revision C S1DA-01.01 Revision E



Proposed Building Envelope Plan Ground

DA- A- 10510 Revision B S1DA-01.02 Revision E



Proposed Building Envelope Plan Level 1 - 6

DA- A- 10511 Revision B S1DA-01.03 Revision E



Building Envelope Plan Level 2-6

S1DA-01.04 Revision E


Proposed Building Envelope Plan Level 7-28

DA- A- 10512 Revision B S1DA-01.05 Revision E

18.06.20 27/09/23

Proposed Building Envelope Plan Level 29

DA- A- 10513

Revision B S1DA-01.06 Revision E

18.06.20 27/09/23

Proposed Building Envelope Plan Level 30

DA- A- 10514

Revision B S1DA-01.07 Revision E

18.06.20 27/09/23

Proposed Building Envelope Plan Level 31

DA- A- 10515 Revision B S1DA-01.08 Revision E

18.06.20 27/09/23

Proposed Building Envelope Plan Level 32

DA- A- 10516 Revision B S1DA-01.09 Revision E

18.06.20 27/09/23

Proposed Building Envelope Plan Level 33

DA- A- 10517 Revision B S1DA-01.10 Revision E

18.06.20 27/09/23

Proposed Building Envelope Plan Level 34

DA- A- 10518 Revision B S1DA-01.11 Revision E

18.06.20 27/09/23

Proposed Building Envelope Plan Level 35

DA- A- 10519 S1DA-01.12 Revision E

18.06.20 27/09/23

Proposed Building Envelope Plan Level 36

DA- A- 10520 S1DA-01.13 Revision F

18.06.20 04/10/23

Proposed Envelope Plan - Roof

DA- A- 10521


Proposed Envelope Axonometric Views

DA- A- 10530 S1DA-03.01 Revision E

18.06.20 04/10/23

Proposed Building Envelope Elevation - North

DA- A- 10601 S1DA-02.01 Revision E

18.06.20 27/09/23

Proposed Building Envelope Elevation - South

DA- A- 10602 S1DA-02.02 Revision E

18.06.20 27/09/23

Proposed Building Envelope Elevation - East

DA- A- 10603 S1DA-02.03 Revision E

18.06.20 27/09/23

Proposed Building Envelope Elevation - West

DA- A- 10604 S1DA-02.04 Revision E

18.06.20 27/09/23

         and as amended by the conditions of this consent.

(b)       In the event of any inconsistency between the approved plans and supplementary documentation, the plans will prevail.

Amended by D/2019/992/A on 19 October 2023



The through site link design in any future competitive design process and subsequent detailed design development application must be in accordance with the minimum requirements set out in the relevant objectives and provisions of Section of the Sydney Development Control Plan 2012, including the following:

(a)       Being direct and accessible to all 24 hours a day;

(b)       Having a clear line of sight between public places;

(c)       Being open to the sky (excluding the area contained within the ‘Urban Room’);

(d)       Being easily identifiable and including wayfinding measures;

(e)       Including materials and finishes consistent with adjoining streets and public spaces;

(f)        Being clear of obstructions and structures;

(g)       Including landscaping; and

(h)       Providing active frontages.

Amended by D/2019/992/A on 19 October 2023



(a)       Details are to be provided with the subsequent development application for the detailed design of the buildings to confirm that the buildings have adopted the Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) targets outlined in The ‘175 Liverpool Street Concept Development Application ESD Design Report’, reference REP-ESD-001, revision 2, prepared by Arup and dated 18 June 2020 (Council reference TRIM 2020/267925).

(b)       These targets must include, at a minimum:

(i)         For the residential apartment component of the development:

a.         A BASIX energy score of at least 35 points or better;

b.         A BASIX water score of at least 50 points or better;

(ii)        For the commercial component of the development:

a.         A NABERS Energy rating of 5.5 stars or better; and

(iii)      Implementation of Building Integrated Photovoltaics to the northern facades of the development.

(c)       The ESD targets must be included in the competitive design process brief and carried through the competitive design process phase, design development, construction, and through to completion of the project.

Amended by D/2019/992/A on 19 October 2023

(18)    PUBLIC ART

(a)       The ‘Preliminary Public Art Plan’, reference 15914/2190217, version D, dated 19 June 2020 and prepared by Ethos Urban (Council reference TRIM 2020/267917) must be incorporated into the competitive design process brief.

(b)       The artist brief and shortlist must be presented to the City of Sydney’s Public Art Unit prior to any competitive process for the public artwork being undertaken.

(c)       Selected artists concepts must be presented to the City of Sydney’s Public Art Unit prior to the development and submission of any detailed public art plans with a subsequent detailed design development application.

(d)       A detailed Public Art Strategy, based upon the preliminary strategy referred to in (a) above, must be prepared and submitted with any subsequent detailed design development application.

(e)       All public artwork must be in accordance with the relevant objectives and provisions of the Sydney Development Control Plan 2012, the City of Sydney Public Art Policy, and the City of Sydney Interim guidelines: public art in private developments.

Note: All public art must be reviewed and endorsed by the City’s Public Art Unit and/or the City of Sydney Public Art Advisory Panel, prior to submission for Council approval.

Amended by D/2019/992/A on 19 October 2023


Any subsequent detailed design development application must be accompanied by a A site-specific Demolition, Excavation and Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan must be prepared prior to the issue of any Construction Certificate for any subsequent detailed design development application.


The Demolition, Excavation and Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan must be prepared by a suitably qualified person who possesses the qualifications to render them eligible for membership of the Australian Acoustic Society, Institution of Engineers Australia or the Australian Association of Acoustic Consultants.


The Demolition, Excavation and Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan must include but not be limited to the following:


(a)     Identification of noise sensitive receivers near to the site.

(b)     The proposed hours of all construction and work on the development including building / demolition and excavation work, and activities in the vicinity of the site generating noise associated with preparation for the commencement of work (e.g. loading and unloading of goods, transferring of tools etc.), in connection with the proposed development.

(c)     A prediction as to the level of noise impact likely to affect the nearest noise sensitive receivers from the use and proposed number of high noise intrusive appliances intended to be operated onsite. A statement should also be submitted outlining whether or not predicted noise levels will comply with the noise criteria stated within the City of Sydney Construction Hours / Noise Code of Practice 1992 for the typical construction hours of 7.00am to 7.00pm. Where resultant site noise levels are likely to be in exceedance of this noise criteria then a suitable proposal must be given as to the duration and frequency of respite periods that will be afforded to the occupiers of neighbouring property.

(d)     A representative background noise measurement (LA90, 15 minute) should be submitted, assessed in the vicinity of any potentially affected receiver locations and measured in accordance with AS 1055:1.2.1997.

(e)     Confirmation of the level of community consultation that has/is and will be undertaken with Building Managers/occupiers of the main adjoining noise sensitive properties likely to be most affected by site works and the operation of plant/machinery particularly during the demolition and excavation phases.

(f)      Confirmation of noise monitoring methodology that is to be undertaken during the main stages of work at neighbouring noise sensitive properties in order to keep complaints to a minimum and to ensure that noise from site works complies with the noise criteria contained within City's Construction Noise Code where possible.

(g)     What course of action will be undertaken following receipt of a complaint concerning offensive noise.

(h)     Details of any noise mitigation measures that have been outlined by an acoustic consultant or otherwise that will be deployed on site to reduce noise impacts on the occupiers of neighbouring noise sensitive property to a minimum.

(i)      What plant and equipment is to be used on site, the level of sound mitigation measures to be undertaken in each case and the criteria adopted in their selection taking into account the likely noise impacts on the occupiers of neighbouring property and other less intrusive technologies available.

Amended by D/2019/992/A on 19 October 2023


(a)       All street trees adjoining the site must be included for retention with any subsequent detailed design development application excluding street  trees approved for removal under Development Consent D/2022/614.

(b)       Any design elements (awnings, street furniture, footpath upgrades etc.) within the public domain in a subsequent detailed design development application must ensure appropriate setbacks are provided from the street tree to allow maturity of the tree to be achieved.

(c)       The location of any driveway must ensure that the removal of any existing street tree is not required. Any driveway must be appropriately setback so as it does not adversely impact on any existing street tree both below and above ground.

Amended by D/2019/992/A on 19 October 2023

Reasons for Decision

The application is approved for the following reasons:

(A)      The development, as modified, is substantially the same development as that originally approved and is consistent with Section 4.55(2)(a) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979.

(B)      The proposed modification ensures that the detailed design development application is consistent with the concept approval, in order to satisfy Section 4.24 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979.

(C)      The proposed modification is consistent with and is considered acceptable having regard to the reasons given for the original approval in accordance with Section 4.55(3) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979.

(D)      The proposal is consistent with the aims, objectives and relevant provisions of the Sydney LEP 2012 and Sydney DCP 2012 for the reasons set out in the report.

(E)      The modified building envelope can accommodate a building design which is capable of exhibiting design excellence in accordance with Clause 6.21C of the Sydney LEP 2012.

(F)      The changes to the approved building envelope are not likely to significantly impact the overall use of the building or the amenity of surrounding sites or locality.

Carried unanimously.



Report author: Mia Music

Publication date: 19/10/2023

Date of decision: 19/10/2023

Decided at meeting: 19/10/2023 - Central Sydney Planning Committee

Accompanying Documents: