Development Application 5050 Cowper Wharf Roadway, Woolloomooloo - D/2022/1248

Decision Maker: Local Planning Panel

Decision status: Recommendations Determined


The Panel granted consent to Development Application Number D/2022/1248 subject to the conditions set out in Attachment A to the subject report.

Reasons for Decision

The application was approved for the following reasons:

(A)      The development, subject to conditions, serves the public interest as it will provide an essential community facility and will enhance the amenity of the local area.

(B)      The proposal satisfies the objectives of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, in that, subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions as recommended, it achieves the objectives of the planning controls for the site for the reasons outlined in the report to the Local Planning Panel.

(C)      The development, subject to conditions, is consistent with the objectives of the MU1 Mixed Use zone under the Sydney Local Environment Plan 2012.

(D)      Appropriate conditions are recommended to ensure the proposed development does not adversely impact upon the heritage significance of nearby sites.

(E)      Appropriate conditions are recommended to ensure the proposed development will be effectively maintained and kept clean.

(F)      The public interest is served by the approval of the proposal, as additional information to the development application has addressed the matters raised by the City and the community, subject to recommended conditions.

(G)      The proposal is consistent with the City of Sydney Public Toilet Strategy 2014.

Carried unanimously.



Report author: Michael Soo

Publication date: 12/09/2023

Date of decision: 06/09/2023

Decided at meeting: 06/09/2023 - Local Planning Panel

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