Decision Maker: Council
Decision status: Recommendations Determined
It is resolved that:
(A) Council
endorse public notification of the proposed resolution: "It is resolved to
classify Proposed Lot 5 (Park) and Proposed Lot 7 (Pedestrian and Cycle Way) in
the Plan of Subdivision of Lots 100 and 101 in DP 1285547 at 2-38 Baptist
Street and 397-399 Cleveland Street, Redfern which is to be transferred to
Council for public purposes, as operational land in accordance with section 31
of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW)"; on the basis that in the case
Proposed Lot 5 (Park):
the primary future use is for a park; and
the classification is an interim measure to
support operational management until it can be included within the Generic Plan
of Management and classified as community and categorised as park; and
(B) Council note that a further report to Council, to inform the outcomes of public notification and recommendation of land classification, will follow the notification period.
Carried unanimously.
Report author: Brett Calear
Publication date: 19/02/2024
Date of decision: 19/02/2024
Decided at meeting: 19/02/2024 - Council
Accompanying Documents: