Save Waterloo Library

Decision Maker: Council

Decision status: Recommendations Determined


By Councillor Phelps

It is resolved that Council:

(A)      note the cultural significance of the Waterloo Town Hall building, which opened in 1882 and became a library in 1972;

(B)      recognise the importance of a neutral, public space in the unique Waterloo community;

(C)      note plans to close the Waterloo Library without community consultation;

(D)      congratulate the work of the Women of Waterloo in gathering hundreds of signatures in a petition to prevent the closure of the Waterloo Library;

(E)      note the variety of services that the library offers, including:

(i)         literary fiction, non-fiction works, research materials and multi-media items to use and borrow;

(ii)        a quiet place to read;

(iii)      study desks;

(iv)      free newspapers in multiple languages;

(v)       spaces for tutoring;

(vi)      free Wi-Fi;

(vii)     printing and photocopying facilities; and

(viii)    rooms for community meetings;

(F)      congratulate library staff for curating specific Koori, Mandarin and Russian collections at the Waterloo Library;

(G)      note the unique demographics of the Waterloo area, including long-term elderly residents, young families, school children, job-seekers, university students, Mandarin speakers, a Russian community and a strong Aboriginal community;

(H)      note that the population in Green Square is expected to swell to 60,000 by 2030;

(I)        note that 700 new units are proposed to be built in the nearby Waterloo Metro Quarter by 2022;

(J)       note that the Waterloo-Zetland area has a predicted population growth of a further 124% by 2036, with over 10,000 people coming to live in the area between 2011-2016;

(K)      recognise the importance of maintaining and developing existing library services in Waterloo and across the local government area to provide services for existing and incoming residents; and

(L)       stop plans to close Waterloo Library.

Note – at the meeting of Council, Councillor Phelps withdrew her Notice of Motion, the matters raised in it having been dealt with at an earlier stage of the meeting in Item 6.2.



Report author: Erin Cashman

Publication date: 28/06/2018

Date of decision: 25/06/2018

Decided at meeting: 25/06/2018 - Council

Accompanying Documents: