Decision Maker: Central Sydney Planning Committee
Decision status: Recommendations Determined
Moved by the Chair (the Lord Mayor), seconded by
Councillor Thalis -
It is resolved that:
the Design Excellence Strategy for 338 Botany
Road, Alexandria, dated May 2018 prepared by BBC Consulting on behalf of St
George Community Housing, as set out in Attachment E to the subject report, be
approved pursuant to Section 3.3 of the Sydney Development Control Plan 2012
and Section 1.2 of the City of Sydney Competitive Design Policy; and
consent be granted to Development Application No
D/2019/87, subject to the conditions detailed in Attachment B to the subject
report to the Central Sydney Planning Committee on 5 December 2019, subject to
the following amendments (additions shown in bold italics, deletions
shown in strikethrough):
(a) Development must be in accordance with Development Application No. D/2019/87 dated 12 December 2017 and the following drawings prepared by DKO Architecture (NSW) Pty Ltd:
Number |
Drawing Name |
Date |
Stage 1 Envelope Envelope Plan |
Project Number 11942 Page 37 |
16.10.2019 |
Stage 1 Envelope Envelope Plan |
Project Number 11942 Page 38 |
16.10.2019 |
Stage 1 Envelope Stage 1 Envelope Elevation |
Project Number 11942 Page 39 |
16.10.2019 |
Stage 1 Envelope Stage 1 Envelope Elevation |
Project Number 11942 Page 40 |
16.10.2019 |
as amended by plans
submitted in order to achieve compliance with
deferred commencement condition (2) in Schedule 1 of this consent and
the other conditions of this consent.
(b) In
the event of any inconsistency between the approved plans (including plans
approved in accordance with deferred commencement condition (2) in Schedule 1)
and supplementary documentation, the plans will prevail.
competitive design process in accordance with the provisions of the Sydney
Local Environmental Plan 2012 shall be:
Conducted in accordance with ‘Design Excellence
Strategy for 338 Botany Road, Alexandria, dated May 2018 November
2019, prepared by BBC Consulting Planners on behalf of St George
Community Housing.
Conducted prior to the lodgement of any
subsequent detailed development application for the site.
Address in particular air quality, noise
mitigation and ventilation requirements to maximise residential amenity for all
detailed design of the building/s must exhibit design excellence, in accordance
with Clause 6.21 of Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012.
The ground
floor component of the development must not be used for retail premises except those retail uses
permitted in accordance with the Sydney LEP 2012. which
are prohibited in the B7 Business Park zone.
The competitive
design process brief and subsequent detailed design development application
must incorporate the following requirements:
Minimise overshadowing on
adjoining properties in accordance with ADG objective 3B-2.
Ensure no overshadowing of
approved residential apartments at 499 and 501 – 509 Botany Road, Alexandria
Provide a compliant amount of
communal open space in accordance with the ADG that receives adequate solar in
accordance with the ADG.
If roof top communal open space
is proposed it must provide equitable access, be designed to prevent
overlooking and noise impacts and all structures (including but not limited to
plant and lift overruns) must be within the 33m height limit.
Acoustic and ventilation
treatments to the east and northern frontages in accordance with the
requirements of the Sydney DCP and ADG and the recommendations contained
within the Acoustic Report prepared by Acoustic Logic dated 23 October 2019.
Waste management facilities in
accordance with Section 4.2.6 of the Sydney DCP 2012.
An awning is to be provided over any building entries on Botany Road in
accordance with Section 3.2.4 of the Sydney DCP 2012.
Details are to be provided with the
subsequent development application for the detailed design of the buildings to
confirm that the buildings have adopted the ESD targets specified in the Design
Excellence Strategy prepared by BBC Consulting Planners dated May 2019 November
2019. The ESD targets must be carried through the competitive
process phase, design development,
construction, and through to completion of the project.
The application was approved
for the following reasons:
The proposed development is consistent with
Section 4.15 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, in that,
subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions as recommended, it achieves the objectives of the planning controls for the
site for the reasons outlined in the report to the Central Sydney Planning
The proposed development complies with the
permitted height for the site under the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012
and has a height and form which is considered to be
generally suitable for the condition of the site and its context.
The proposed building envelope is capable of
accommodating a future building which can exhibit design excellence in
accordance with Clause 6.21 of the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012
The proposed envelope is
capable of being consistent with the provisions of the State Environmental
Planning Policy No 65—Design Quality of Residential Apartment Development and
the Apartment Design Guide in that, subject to the recommended conditions it
will provide a building envelope which is capable of accommodating a future
building which can achieve high amenity for future residents with regard to
communal open space, solar access, natural ventilation, private open space,
building separation and privacy.
The public interest is served
by the approval of the proposal, subject to recommended conditions imposed.
Conditions have been amended
in line with requests made by the applicant, to refer to correct documentation
and to clarify permitted uses under the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012.
Carried unanimously.
Mr Daniel Brindle (St George Community Housing) – on behalf
of the applicant, addressed the meeting of the Central Sydney Planning
Committee on Item 6.
Report author: Aisling McGrath
Publication date: 05/12/2019
Date of decision: 05/12/2019
Decided at meeting: 05/12/2019 - Central Sydney Planning Committee
Accompanying Documents: