Exemption from Tender - IT Maintenance and Support Contracts

Decision Maker: Council

Decision status: Recommendations Determined


It is resolved that:

(A)        Council approve an exemption from tender for the provision of the maintenance and support of the software applications and hardware appliances as listed in Confidential Attachment A to the subject report upon the expiry of the current maintenance and support agreements, for a three-year period, with the option of an extension of two years if appropriate, noting that because of extenuating circumstances, a satisfactory result would not be achieved by inviting tenders;

(B)        Council note the reasons why a satisfactory outcome would not be achieved by inviting tenders are:

(i)          the existing suppliers are the sole provider of the relevant maintenance and support, and a competitive tender process is not possible; or

(ii)         the existing suppliers were previously evaluated as best value for money from a competitive tender process, and a repeat tender process is unlikely to yield a different outcome;

(C)       Council enter into maintenance and support agreements with the suppliers as listed in Confidential Attachment A to the subject report upon the expiry of the current maintenance and support agreements, for annual renewal (if applicable) over a three-year period, with the option of an extension of a two-year period if appropriate; and

(D)       authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate, execute and administer (including exercising options if appropriate) the maintenance and support agreements with the relevant suppliers as listed in Confidential Attachment A to the subject report.

Carried unanimously.



Report author: Kevin Wingrave

Publication date: 09/09/2019

Date of decision: 09/09/2019

Decided at meeting: 09/09/2019 - Council

Accompanying Documents: