Traffic Treatment - Separated Cycleway - Kelly Street, Mary Ann Street, Ultimo

Decision Maker: Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Determined




It is recommended that the Committee endorse following traffic treatments in Ultimo:

Voting Members for this Item


Voting Members



City of Sydney


Transport for NSW


NSW Police – Sydney City PAC


Representative for the Member for Balmain


Representative for the Member for Sydney




The Committee unanimously supported the recommendation.


Increasing the mode share of cycling in the Sydney metropolitan region and providing safe cycleway connections to centres and key precincts are the objectives identified in the Transport for NSW (TfNSW) Sydney’s Cycling Future and TfNSW Active Transport Strategy. The project consisting of a separated bi-directional cycleway along Kelly Street and Mary Ann Street is part of the Glebe to Ultimo east-west connection in in Sydney’s Bike Network, connecting Forest Lodge and Glebe with the City’s south.

The project is identified in the City’s Cycle Strategy and Action Plan 2018–2030 as a planned regional cycle route. It is aligned with the NSW Government’s Co-designed Bicycle Network (Principal Bike Network) and their Sydney City Centre Access Strategy. The proposed cycleway will also provide bike access to the International Grammar School on Kelly Street, TAFE on Mary Ann Street and UTS campuses at the eastern end of Mary Ann Street.

Kelly and Mary Ann Streets well-used cycle routes and it connects low traffic streets in Glebe with the Goods Line and Haymarket.

The project includes a new pedestrian and bike crossing on Mary Ann Street at Jones Street, and the cycleway on Mary Ann Street will replace the existing shared path outside the TAFE.

When the City builds new separated cycleways, it is common for the number of bike trips to double within one or two years. This growth is higher in the city centre or where a cycleway is well connected to the network. A bike count between 6am and 9am and 4pm and 7pm in October 2022 counted 300 bike trips on Wattle Street between Kelly and Mary Ann Streets, and 340 bike trips on Jones Street between Thomas and Mary Ann Streets. We expect the new cycleway will have approximately 500 bike trips per day initially.

The concept design was endorsed by the Transport, Heritage, Environment and Planning Committee on 13 February 2023 and was approved Council on 20 February 2023.

The proposal comprises:

(a)       A separated bi-directional cycleway on the southern side of Kelly Street between Bay Street and Wattle Street.

(b)       Minor changes to the existing separated bi-directional cycleway on the eastern side of Wattle Street, between Kelly and Mary Ann Streets to connect to the new cycleway at each end;

(c)       Removal of the existing right-turn bicycle lane on Kelly Street at its intersection with Wattle Street;

(d)       A separated bi-directional cycleway on the northern side of Mary Ann Street and removal of the existing shared path on the southern side of Mary Ann Street;

(e)       A new pedestrian and bike crossing on Mary Ann Street at Jones Street;

(f)        Footpath widening at the south-west and south-east corners of Mary Ann Street and Harris Street intersection, with two additional trees;

Of the 114 existing on-street car parking spaces, 34 spaces removed and 9 new spaces created, resulting in net loss of 25 spaces

Report author: Jay Ng

Publication date: 21/09/2023

Date of decision: 21/09/2023

Decided at meeting: 21/09/2023 - Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee

Accompanying Documents: