Decision Maker: Council
Decision status: Recommendations Determined
It is resolved that:
(A) Council
note the outcome of the negotiations for the construction of the Sydney Park
Brick Kilns Precinct Upgrade as detailed in Confidential Attachment B to the
subject report;
(B) Council
accept the offer from Respondent M for Sydney Park Brick Kilns Precinct Upgrade
for the price and contingency, outlined in Confidential Attachment B to the
subject report;
(C) Council
note that the total contract sum and contingency for Sydney Park Brick Kilns
Precinct Upgrade is outlined in Confidential Attachment B to the subject
(D) authority
be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to finalise, execute and administer
the contracts relating to the negotiation outcome; and
(E) Council
approve additional project funding as outlined in Confidential Attachment B to
the subject report.
The substantive motion was carried on the following
show of hands –
(8) The Chair (the Lord Mayor),
Councillors Gannon, Kok, Maxwell, Miller, Weldon, Wilson (Arkins) and Worling
Noes (2) Councillors
Ellsmore and Thompson.
Report author: Glenn Merry
Publication date: 17/02/2025
Date of decision: 17/02/2025
Decided at meeting: 17/02/2025 - Council
Accompanying Documents: