Decision Maker: Council
Decision status: Recommendations Determined
Moved by Councillor Scott, seconded by Councillor Scully -
It is resolved that:
(A) Council note:
(i) the Resilient Sydney Strategy and the City for All: Social Sustainability Policy and Action Plan both identify more affordable housing as a key priority in building a more just, equal and fair City;
(ii) housing affordability was identified by residents as a high priority action area by residents surveyed as part of the City for All: Social Sustainability Policy and Action Plan;
(iii) by some estimates, less than 1 per cent of the of dwellings in the City are classified as affordable rental housing; and
(iv) in May 2018, Council passed a motion in support of the development of affordable housing targets of 25 per cent on government-owned land, and requested that LGNSW consider lobbying the NSW state government expressing this view; and
(B) Council, as a part of the development of the Sustainable Sydney 2050 plan, examine and, where possible, incorporate housing affordability targets for development occurring on Council-owned land.
motion. Councillor Thalis foreshadowed that, should the motion moved by
Councillor Scott be lost, he would move an alternative
The motion was lost on the following show of hands –
Ayes (4) Councillors Chung, Forster, Phelps, Scott
Noes (6) The Chair (the Lord Mayor), Councillors Kok, Miller, Scully, Thalis and Vithoulkas.
Motion lost.
Councillor Thalis then moved his foreshadowed motion, seconded by Councillor Scott, as follows:
It is resolved that:
(A) Council note:
(i) access to affordable housing is essential for a diverse, cohesive, and economically successful global city;
(ii) the cost of housing is at crisis point across Metropolitan Sydney and by some estimates, less than 1 per cent of the dwellings in the City are classified as affordable rental housing;
(iii) the Greater Sydney Regional Plan does not set actual affordable rental housing targets, instead it indicates a range of 5-10 per cent of new residential floor space “subject to viability”;
(iv) Sustainable Sydney 2030 set affordable rental housing targets of 7.5 per cent as a proportion of the City’s total housing supply and the City has been delivering affordable housing through levies, amended planning controls, discounted property sales, and an Affordable and Diverse Housing Fund for new projects;
(v) to date, the City has delivered 835 affordable housing dwellings for essential workers, with a further 586 in the pipeline;
(vi) extension of the City’s Affordable Housing levy, combined with our existing levies in Green Square, Ultimo and Pyrmont are expected to result in more than 3600 affordable homes by 2030;
(vii) amended
planning controls and planning agreements has
delivered 294 affordable housing units and discounted sale of City-owned land
to affordable housing providers has delivered another 554 units, including the
104 units on the former South Sydney Hospital site in Green Square; and
(viii) the City’s Affordable and Diverse Housing Fund supports new housing projects such as the St George Community Housing for young people at risk of homelessness and the Hammondcare aged care facility for at risk and homeless older people, particularly women;
(B) Council continue to lobby the NSW Government on the issue of affordable housing including a commitment to higher affordable rental and social housing targets – particularly on Government-owned land;
(C) Council, will as a part of the development of the Sustainable Sydney 2050 plan, continue to tackle housing affordability as a core principle; and
(D) Council request that, through this process, the Chief Executive Officer investigate projects to deliver new affordable housing models and identify opportunities for affordable housing projects on Council-owned land.
Carried unanimously.
Report author: Rebekah Celestin
Publication date: 29/10/2018
Date of decision: 29/10/2018
Decided at meeting: 29/10/2018 - Council
Accompanying Documents: