Decision Maker: Council
Decision status: Recommendations Determined
Moved by Councillor Forster, seconded by Councillor Chung -
It is resolved that:
(A) Council note:
(i) in June 2018, the City announced the return of the rainbow crossing to Taylor Square at the signalised intersection of Bourke and Campbell Streets, Surry Hills;
(ii) in October 2018, the Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee (LPCTCC) unanimously endorsed and approved the rainbow crossing proposal;
(iii) in addition to the installation of the rainbow crossing, the LPCTCC agreed to the permanent closure of Bourke Street, between Campbell and Oxford Streets (Taylor Square South), to vehicular traffic (except emergency vehicles);
(iv) Kinselas, located in Taylor Square South, has advised that it did not receive notification of this proposal;
(v) the closure of Taylor Square South to vehicular traffic would severely impact local businesses at this location, particularly the Courthouse Hotel which receives regular deliveries via Taylor Square South;
(vi) if vehicular access is removed for these essential delivery services, drivers would need to move large amounts of stock from loading zones located in Bourke and Campbell Streets, which in itself is a Work, Health and Safety issue; and
(vii) there have been no known past safety issues with the interactions of pedestrians, cyclists and delivery vehicles in Taylor Square South; and
Council exercise its delegated function, in
accordance with the Roads Act 1993, as follows:
“It is recommended that Council note the following in Surry Hills:
(A) Widen and raise the existing signalised crossing at the intersection of Bourke and Campbell Streets;
(B) Combine the pedestrian and cycle signal crossings;
(C) Trial the painting of the raised area of the crossing with the Rainbow Flag; and
(D) Trail signal phasing to prioritise pedestrians and cyclists over vehicles at the crossing;
(E) Permanently close Bourke Street, between Campbell and
Oxford Streets (Taylor Square South), to vehicular traffic.
It is also recommended that Council endorse the following in Surry Hills:
(F) The reallocation of parking on the western side of
Bourke Street, between the points 12.8 metres and 21.8 metres (one car space)
south of Campbell Street, as "No Stopping";
(G) The reallocation of parking on the eastern side of
Bourke Street, between the points 10 metres and 34.3 metres (four car spaces)
north of Linden Lane, as “Loading Zone Ticket 8am-6pm" and "4P Ticket
6pm-10pm Permit Holders Excepted Area 18 (1/4P Free)”;
(H) The reallocation of parking on the southern side of
Campbell Street, between the points 0 metres and 16 metres (three car spaces)
west of Bourke Street, as “Loading Zone Ticket 8am-6pm" and "4P
Ticket 6pm-10pm Permit Holders Excepted Area 18 (1/4P Free)”; and
(I) The installation of a shared path on the south-western corner of Bourke and Campbell Streets.”
(C) the Chief Executive Officer be requested to notify, in writing, the NSW Police and the RMS representatives on the LPCTCC of Council's intention to remove parts (E), (F), (G) and (H) of the LPCTCC decision of 18 October 2018; and
(D) Council note that it must refrain from taking any action for 14 days so that the NSW Police or the RMS is given an opportunity to appeal to the Chairperson, Regional Traffic Committee should they wish.
Foreshadowed motion. Councillor Thalis foreshadowed that, should the motion moved by Councillor Forster be lost, he would move an alternative motion.
The motion was lost on the following show of hands –
Ayes (4) Councillors Chung, Forster, Phelps and Vithoulkas
Noes (6) The Lord Mayor, Councillors Kok, Miller, Scott, Scully and Thalis.
Motion lost.
Councillor Thalis then moved his foreshadowed motion, seconded by Councillor Forster, as follows:
It is resolved that:
(A) Council note:
(i) in June 2018, the City announced the return of the rainbow crossing to Taylor Square at the signalised intersection of Bourke and Campbell Streets, Surry Hills;
(ii) in October 2018 the Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee (LPTCC) endorsed and approved the rainbow crossing proposal;
(iii) surveys in 2016 showed nearly 3,500 pedestrians and 1,250 cyclists using this intersection;
(iv) these numbers are expected to increase following the installation of the rainbow crossing therefore it has been designed to ensure it operates safely;
(v) in addition to the installation of the rainbow crossing, the LPTCC agreed to the permanent closure of Bourke Street, between Campbell and Oxford Street (Taylor Square South), to vehicular traffic (except emergency vehicles);
(vi) bollards will be installed around the perimeter of Taylor Square, and two bollards will be ‘removable’ to allow emergency vehicle access;
(vii) the closure will prevent conflict between large trucks, pedestrians and cyclists, as trucks will not be able to move across the rainbow crossing into Taylor Square;
(viii) Kinselas and other local businesses, located around Taylor Square South, were notified about this proposal;
(ix) alternate loading zones will be installed on Bourke and Campbell Streets for businesses to make their deliveries; and
(x) if vehicular access is removed for these essential delivery services, drivers can use trolleys to move large amounts of stock from loading zones located in Bourke and Campbell Streets, which other businesses do across the City; and
(B) the Chief Executive Officer be requested to:
(i) investigate whether the City of Sydney can open Taylor Square for access to loading; and
work with businesses to
review the effectiveness of the new loading zone arrangements six months after
the Rainbow Crossing has been installed.
Carried unanimously.
Report author: Rebekah Celestin
Publication date: 29/10/2018
Date of decision: 29/10/2018
Decided at meeting: 29/10/2018 - Council
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