Matters for Tabling

Decision status: Deleted


5.2       Petitions

At the meeting of Council, Councillor Scott tabled a petition (containing 122 signatures) in the following terms:

Dear Lord Mayor and Councillors,

We, the undersigned, in conjunction with the ‘Walsh Bay Precinct Association’, and ‘The Millers Point, Dawes Point, The Rocks & Walsh Bay Resident Action Group’, state our support for:

a)         reclaiming public space by opening the Council-leased Shore 8/9 overbridge and adjacent breezeway (known as ‘Lot 16 in DP 737191 – Bridge 8/9’ and ‘Lot 5 in DP 1057496 – Breezeway 8/9’), returning the thoroughfare to it’s original permitted use as a public overbridge and walkway, plus the occasional use as a communal public space

b)         using this opening as a logical and positive starting point for the progressive implementation of the rejuvenation of Walsh Bay Village, through additional seating, lighting, and green spaces for the community to enjoy

We request the assistance of the City of Sydney Council with these matters.

Moved by the Chair (the Lord Mayor), seconded by Councillor Miller –

It is resolved that the Petition be received and noted.

Carried unanimously.

Publication date: 14/05/2018

Date of decision: 14/05/2018

Decided at meeting: 14/05/2018 - Council

Accompanying Documents: