Public Exhibition - Planning Proposal - 4-6 Bligh Street - Request Gateway Amendment

Decision Maker: Council

Decision status: Recommendations Determined


It is resolved that:

(A)      authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to write to the Department of Planning and Environment requesting that the Gateway Determination for the Planning Proposal: 4-6 Bligh Street, Sydney be amended to reflect a 4.5 star NABERS Energy rating requirement for the hotel component; and

(B)      Council amend the ecologically sustainable development provision in the Draft Sydney Development Control Plan 2012 - 4-6 Bligh Street, to require a 4.5 star NABERS Energy rating for the hotel component.

Carried unanimously.



Report author: Andrew Thomas

Publication date: 28/06/2018

Date of decision: 25/06/2018

Decided at meeting: 25/06/2018 - Council

Accompanying Documents: