2P Parking on Greens Road

Decision Maker: Council

Decision status: Recommendations Determined


Moved by Councillor Scott, seconded by Councillor Chung -

It is resolved that:

(A)        Council note:

(i)          the following recommendation was brought to the Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee (LPCTCC) meeting held on 19 July 2018:

"it is recommended that the Committee endorse the reallocation of parking on the eastern side of Greens Road, Paddington between the points 27 metres and 139 metres (19 car spaces) north of Moore Park Road, as: "2P 8am-2am, Permit Holders Excepted Area 15”";

(a)        the LPCTCC deferred this item to be decided at a future meeting to receive further advice;

(b)        residents have requested that this matter be considered at each LPCTCC meeting since the matter was deferred; and

(c)         this matter was not considered at the subsequent LPCTCC meetings held on 16 August 2018, 20 September 2018 or 18 October 2018;

(ii)         the matter of 2P parking on Greens Road in Paddington has been an issue that the local community has raised consistently to Council since early 2016;

(a)        the parking in this area was changed from 2P to 4P in March 2016, and since that time residents have continually raised concerns that this has impeded the ability of local residents and their visitors to find parking;

(b)        it was again requested that the reinstatement of 2P parking on Greens Road be considered by the City as part of the Neighbourhood Parking Policy review conducted in late 2017; and

(c)         residents’ concerns raised at this time have been left largely unanswered by Council for a period of almost 12 months, while this matter has been ongoing for over two and a half years;

(iii)        the ‘Guide to the delegation to councils for the regulation of traffic Including the operation of Traffic Committees’ produced by the NSW Government and which outlines the powers of local traffic committees states in clause 5.1 that “The LTC [local traffic committee] has no decision-making powers. The LTC is primarily a technical review committee, which is required to advise the Council,” and “A Council is not bound by the advice of its LTC”;

(B)        Council approve the recommendation for the reallocation of parking on the eastern side of Greens Road, Paddington between the points 27 metres and 139 metres (19 car spaces) north of Moore Park Road, as: “2P 8am-2am, Permit Holders Excepted Area 15.”; and

(C)       the Chief Executive Officer be requested to action the approval of this recommendation by overseeing the institution of the changes to parking prescribed therein as soon as practicable.

Variation. At the request of Councillor Thalis, and by consent, the motion was varied such that it read as follows –

It is resolved that Council note:

(A)        the following recommendation was brought to the Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee (LPCTCC) meeting held on 19 July 2018:

"it is recommended that the Committee endorse the reallocation of parking on the eastern side of Greens Road, Paddington between the points 27 metres and 139 metres (19 car spaces) north of Moore Park Road, as: "2P 8am-2am, Permit Holders Excepted Area 15”";

(B)        the LPCTCC deferred this item to be decided at a future meeting to receive further advice;

(C)       on 19 October 2018, a letter was sent to local residents and businesses with the proposal that the eastern side of Greens Road, between Oxford Street and Moore Park Road, be reallocated as “2P 8am-6pm Permit Holders Excepted Area 15” and “4P 6pm-10pm Permit Holders Excepted Ares 15”; and

(D)       the current consultation is open until 9 November  2018 and following a review of the submissions, the final proposal will be referred to the LPCTCC for consideration on 13 December 2018.

Carried unanimously.


Report author: Rebekah Celestin

Publication date: 29/10/2018

Date of decision: 29/10/2018

Decided at meeting: 29/10/2018 - Council

Accompanying Documents: