Post Exhibition - Planning Proposal - Affordable Housing Program Update - Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012, Sydney Local Environmental Plan (Green Square Town Centre) 2013, Sydney Local Environmental Plan (Green Square Town Centre - Stage 2) 2013

Meeting: 26/06/2023 - Council (Item 8)

8 Post Exhibition - Planning Proposal - Affordable Housing Program Update - Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012, Sydney Local Environmental Plan (Green Square Town Centre) 2013, Sydney Local Environmental Plan (Green Square Town Centre - Stage 2) 2013, Draft City of Sydney Affordable Housing Program 2022 and Draft Affordable Housing Contributions Interim Distribution Plan pdf icon PDF 145 KB

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Meeting: 19/06/2023 - Equity and Housing Committee (Item 3)

3 Post Exhibition - Planning Proposal - Affordable Housing Program Update - Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012, Sydney Local Environmental Plan (Green Square Town Centre) 2013, Sydney Local Environmental Plan (Green Square Town Centre - Stage 2) 2013, Draft City of Sydney Affordable Housing Program 2022 and Draft Affordable Housing Contributions Interim Distribution Plan pdf icon PDF 145 KB

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