Post Exhibition - Planning Proposal - Affordable Housing Program Update - Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012, Sydney Local Environmental Plan (Green Square Town Centre) 2013, Sydney Local Environmental Plan (Green Square Town Centre - Stage 2) 2013, Draft City of Sydney Affordable Housing Program 2022 and Draft Affordable Housing Contributions Interim Distribution Plan
Supporting documents:
Post Exhibition - Planning Proposal - Affordable Housing Program Update - Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012, Sydney Local Environmental Plan (Green Square Town Centre) 2013, Sydney Local Environmental Plan (Green Square Town Centre - Stage 2) 2013, item 8.3
PDF 145 KB
Attachment A - Summary of Submissions and Responses, item 8.3
PDF 200 KB
Attachment B - Planning Proposal: City of Sydney Affordable Housing Program Update (as amended following public exhibition), item 8.3
PDF 894 KB
Attachment C - Draft City of Sydney Affordable Housing Program Amendment 2022 (as amended following public exhibition), item 8.3
PDF 500 KB
Attachment D - Draft City of Sydney Affordable Housing Contributions Interim Distribution Plan (as amended following public exhibition), item 8.3
PDF 189 KB
Attachment E - Gateway Determination, item 8.3
PDF 117 KB
Attachment F - Council and Central Sydney Planning Committee Resolutions, item 8.3
PDF 236 KB
Information Relevant To Item 8.3 - Post Exhibition - Planning Proposal - Affordable Housing Program Update - Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012, Sydney Local Environmental Plan (Green Square Town Centre) 2013, Sydney Local Environmental Plan (Green, item 8.3
PDF 123 KB