Post Exhibition - Planning Proposal - 118-130 Epsom Road and 905 South Dowling Street, Zetland - Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 and Sydney Development Control Plan 2012 Amendment
Supporting documents:
Post Exhibition - Planning Proposal - 118-130 Epsom Road and 905 South Dowling Street, Zetland - Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 and Sydney Development Control Plan 2012 Amendment, item 11.6
PDF 850 KB
Attachment A - Summary of Submissions and Responses, item 11.6
PDF 396 KB
Attachment B - Planning Proposal - 118-130 Epsom Road and 905 South Dowling Street, Zetland (as amended following public exhibition), item 11.6
Attachment C - Draft Sydney Development Control Plan 2012 - 118-130 Epsom Road and 905 South Dowling Street, Zetland (as amended following public exhibition), item 11.6
Attachment D - Planning Agreement, item 11.6
PDF 422 KB
Attachment E - Gateway Determination, item 11.6
PDF 132 KB
Attachment F - Council and Central Sydney Planning Committee Resolutions, item 11.6
PDF 230 KB
Information Relevant To Item 11.6 - Post Exhibition - Planning Proposal - 118-130 Epsom Road and 905 South Dowling Street, Zetland - Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 and Sydney Development Control Plan 2012 Amendment, item 11.6
PDF 252 KB
Attachment A - Public Benefit Offer dated 16 June 2023, item 11.6