Cloud Arch Project Update and Tender Report

10/12/2018 - Cloud Arch Project Update and Tender Report

Moved by the Chair (the Lord Mayor), seconded by Councillor Thalis –

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council note that the design of the footings and superstructure for Cloud Arch has had to change on a number of occasions due to the inability for access to be provided by the Light Rail construction subcontractor Acciona at various times during the construction of the Light Rail project. This has resulted in more complex construction, cost increases and time delays;

(B)      Council note that the current program for the Light Rail works recently provided to the City would only allow a window from January to April 2019 to install the northern footing for Cloud Arch. This time is insufficient to install the footing;

(C)      Council note that, based on the reasons set out above, it is considered impossible to install the northern footing for Cloud Arch before the Light Rail opens for operations;

(D)      Council note that the current estimate for the Cloud Arch project has increased to approximately $22M;

(E)      Council approve the deferral of the Cloud Arch project until after the construction of Light Rail is completed so that the feasibility of incorporating Cloud Arch into the future Town Hall Square project can be considered, noting that funding for the future Town Hall Square project will need to be considered in future budgets;

(F)      Council cancel the proposal for the contract in relation to the tender for the fabrication and installation of Cloud Arch (Request for Tender No 1825);

(G)      Council approve that the Chief Executive Officer terminate the remaining parts of the existing contract with Partridge Event Pty Ltd, for the design of Cloud Arch and installation of footings; and

(H)      authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to finalise negotiations and enter into any documentation required to give effect to the termination as approved by Council.

Amendment. Moved by Councillor Chung, seconded by Councillor Forster –

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council note that the Cloud Arch has blown out from approximately $3M to over $22M;

(B)      Council note that the current program for the Light Rail works recently provided to the City would only allow a window from January to April 2019 to install the northern footing for Cloud Arch. This time is insufficient to install the footing;

(C)      Council abandon the Cloud Arch project;

(D)      Council cancel the proposal for the contract in relation to the tender for the fabrication and installation of Cloud Arch (Request for Tender No 1825);

(E)      Council approve that the Chief Executive Officer terminate the remaining parts of the existing contract with Partridge Event Pty Ltd, for the design of Cloud Arch and installation of footings;

(F)      authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to finalise negotiations and enter into any documentation required to give effect to the termination as approved by Council;

(G)      the Chief Executive Officer report back to Council on the final costs incurred by the City of Sydney in the Cloud Arch project; and

(H)      the Chief Executive Officer report back to Council an estimate of the staff hours incurred from concept to cancellation of the project.

The amendment was lost on the following show of hands –

Ayes (4)          Councillors Chung, Forster, Phelps and Vithoulkas

Noes (6)          The Chair (The Lord Mayor), Councillors Kok, Miller, Scott, Scully and Thalis.

Amendment lost.

The substantive motion was carried on the following show of hands –

Ayes (7)          The Chair (The Lord Mayor), Councillors Kok, Miller, Phelps, Scott, Scully and Thalis

Noes (3)          Councillors Chung, Forster and Vithoulkas.

Substantive motion carried.

Extension of Time

During discussion on this matter, pursuant to the provisions of Clause 250(3) of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, it was –

Moved by the Chair (the Lord Mayor), seconded by Councillor Thalis –

That Councillor Vithoulkas be granted an extension of time to speak on this matter.

Carried unanimously.

Point of Order

During discussion on Item 12, Councillor Scully raised a point of order, stating that Councillor Chung, when speaking on the substantive motion, had made inappropriate comments in relation to the motives of staff.  

The Chair (the Lord Mayor) upheld the point of order.

Councillor Chung withdrew the inappropriate comments made in relation to the motives of staff.


During discussion on Item 12, Councillor Miller stated that she had been misrepresented in respect to comments made by Councillor Phelps and clarified her position accordingly.

During discussion on Item 12, Councillor Chung stated that he had been misrepresented in respect to comments made by Councillor Thalis and clarified his position accordingly.
