Tom Uren Place, Woolloomooloo

10/12/2018 - Tom Uren Place, Woolloomooloo

Moved by Councillor Scott, seconded by Councillor Scully –

It is resolved that:

(A)         Council note:

(i)          the unique opportunities and challenges in Woolloomooloo, particularly the public spaces of Tom Uren Place and Bourke Street Park;

(ii)         the historically complex public land ownership and lease arrangements in Woolloomooloo, whereby Tom Uren Place and Bourke Street Park are owned by Rail Corp NSW;

(iii)        that City staff will host a waste education event with social housing residents in the first quarter of 2019 to enhance community safety and waste management;

(iv)       that the City continues to support the Bourke Street Community Garden; and

(v)         the work the City of Sydney has done to preserve the significant historic murals in Woolloomooloo that depict this history of the public campaigns to save the suburb from becoming a new Eastern Expressway road;

(B)        the Chief Executive Officer be requested to:

(i)          investigate the allocation of funding for the upgrade of play equipment in Bourke Street Park in the 2019/20 budget year, and report back via CEO Update;

(ii)         work with Ausgrid to investigate options to increase public safety, including increasing street lighting on City-owned and leased land, around Tom Uren Place including on Cathedral Street, Bourke Street, Charles Street and Forbes Street, and report back via the CEO Update; and

(iii)        as part of the Sydney 2050 strategy, engage in further community consultation to identify ideas for the future of Woolloomooloo, including:

(a)        the future uses of Mary McDonald Centre; and

(b)        opportunities for positive activation in the area; and

(C)       The Lord Mayor be requested to continue the City’s advocacy work with the NSW State and Federal Governments on the need for more supported affordable housing for those sleeping rough in the City of Sydney.

Variation. At the request of Councillor Thalis, and by consent, the motion was varied such that it read as follows:

It is resolved that:

(A)         Council note:

(i)          the unique opportunities and challenges in Woolloomooloo, particularly the public spaces of Tom Uren Place and Bourke Street Park;

(ii)         the historically complex public land ownership and lease arrangements in Woolloomooloo; whereby Tom Uren and Bourke Street Park is owned by Rail Corp NSW;

(iii)        that City staff consider the fitness equipment they installed in Bourke Street Park in 2011, to be in a fair condition;

(iv)       that City staff will host a waste education event with social housing residents in the first quarter of 2019 to enhance community safety and waste management; and

(v)         the work of the City of Sydney has done to preserve the significant historic murals in Woolloomooloo that depict this history of the public campaigns to save the suburb from becoming a new Eastern Expressway Road.

(B)        the Chief Executive Officer be requested to:

(i)          investigate refreshing the fitness equipment to improve its amenity, and to bring forward minor renewal works proposed to replace the matting surrounding the equipment in Bourke Street Park;

(ii)         work with Ausgrid to investigate options to increase public safety, including increasing street lighting on City- owned and leased land, around Tom Uren Place including on Cathedral Street, Bourke Street, Charles Street and Forbes Street, and report back via CEO update; and

(iii)        as part of the Sydney 2050 strategy, engage in further community consultation to identify ideas for the future of Woolloomooloo, including:

(a)        the future uses of Mary McDonald Centre; and

(b)        opportunities for positive activation in the area.

(C)       the Lord Mayor be requested to continue the City’s advocacy work with the NSW State and Federal Governments on the need for more supported affordable housing for those sleeping rough in the City of Sydney.

Carried unanimously.
