Tender - Parks and Open Space Maintenance Services

11/02/2019 - Tender - Parks and Open Space Maintenance Services


It is resolved that:

(A)        Council accept the tender offer of Tenderer C for Parks and Open Space Maintenance Services for the price and contingency outlined in Confidential Attachment A to the subject report for a period of five years, with the option of an extension of two years if appropriate;

(B)        authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate, execute and administer the contracts relating to the tender;

(C)       authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to exercise the option referred to in clause (A), if appropriate, and negotiate the price to extend the contract accordingly;

(D)       authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to exercise the option to include the tendered possible future sites as per the pricing schedules; and

Council approve the contingency outlined in Confidential Attachment A to the subject report to service new and upgraded parks that come under the contract (in addition to the possible future sites).