Alternative Housing (Sustainable Sydney 2050) Ideas Challenge

11/02/2019 - Alternative Housing (Sustainable Sydney 2050) Ideas Challenge


It is resolved that:

(A)        Council endorse the establishment, operation, public notification and public exhibition of an Alternative Housing (Sustainable Sydney 2050) Ideas Challenge;

(B)        Council endorse the development of a brief that will call for the submission of ideas for innovative models (models) based on the following principles:

(i)          the model must demonstrate innovation in at least two of the following areas: planning, design, ownership type, tenancy type, management (including sharing of facilities), construction, urban land supply and/or financing;

(ii)         the model must result in housing that is either demonstrably cheaper to market, where the relative purchase or rental affordability is secured in perpetuity, or it must be affordable housing, as defined by the City;

(iii)        where applicable, the model must demonstrate economic, social and environmental sustainability principles, with a focus on economic viability;

(iv)       where the model relates to a physical development or redevelopment, the model must have a high level of residential amenity that would be generally acceptable to the community;

(v)         where the model proposes the use of City owned land, models which retain public ownership in perpetuity, such as through land trusts or long-term leases, will be preferred;

(vi)       the model must be scalable, replicable and self-sustaining; and

(vii)      where the model relates to a physical development or redevelopment, models that work for small sites and/or include a mix of residential and non-residential uses will be considered;

(C)       Council will, through an Expression of Interest process open to all interested parties, select up to six applicants and pay each selected applicant $20,000 (excluding GST) for their idea/proposal. The payment is intended to be an honorarium for the selected applicants to further develop and prepare their proposals for the Ideas Challenge as part of Sustainable Sydney 2050 community consultation;

(D)       authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to:

(i)          develop the Alternative Housing (Sustainable Sydney 2050) Ideas Challenge brief in accordance with the principles described at (B);

(ii)         run and publicise the Alternative Housing (Sustainable Sydney 2050) Ideas Challenge Expression of Interest;

(iii)        select a jury to recommend up to six suitable proposals from the Alternative Housing (Sustainable Sydney 2050) Ideas Challenge Expression of Interest;

(iv)       select up to six applicants based on the jury’s recommendations and arrange payment of $20,000 (excluding GST) to each selected applicant; and

(v)         negotiate, execute and administer any agreements required to facilitate the Ideas Challenge; and

Council approve the allocation of up to $350,000 (excluding GST) from the 2018/19 General Contingency Fund, to be sourced from the Affordable and Diverse Housing Fund, for the purpose of executing the above program within the 2019 Calendar Year.