C40 Women4Climate Conference 2020

11/02/2019 - C40 Women4Climate Conference 2020


It is resolved that:

(A)      Council approve that the City of Sydney host the C40 Women4Climate 2020 conference;

(B)      authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Office to negotiate, execute and administer an agreement with C40 Women4Climate for the City of Sydney to host the 2020 C40 Women4Climate conference;

(C)      Council note that provision will be made in the 2019/20 budget of $550,000 (excluding GST) to fund the cost of the conference and affiliated events; and

(D)      Council note that included within the budget of $550,000 is a contribution of $100,000 (USD) (the final $AUD amount is subject to exchange rate variation) (excluding GST) that the City of Sydney is required to make to C40, for their conference expenses. The City of Sydney can seek to recover this amount through external sponsorship of the conference, however, if this amount is not raised, the contribution to C40 must be covered by Council.