Report on International Travel - C40 Women4Climate Summit, Paris and City of London

11/03/2019 - Report on International Travel - C40 Women4Climate Summit, Paris and City of London

Minute by the Lord Mayor


On 10 December 2018, Council endorsed my participation in the third annual C40 Women4Climate Summit, which was held in Paris on 21 February 2019, and for further travel to London to meet with London Mayor Sadiq Khan and his Deputy Mayors and staff on 22 February 2019.

In this Minute, I provide a report back to Council about the trip and recommendations for action on the key issues and challenges arising from the Summit and my meetings in London.

While in Paris, I spoke at a number of high profile events and media conferences. I was asked to talk about our experience taking significant action on climate change despite hostile Federal and State Governments, our work fostering a green economy, and how I’ve seen the city change during my time as Lord Mayor.

In London my agenda for the day included:

·             Meeting with Mayor Sadiq Khan;

·             Joint Media Conference;

·             Bilateral with Justine Simons, Deputy Mayor Culture and the Creative Industries;

·             Bilateral with James Murray, Deputy Mayor Housing;

·             Visit to Kings Crescent Estate, an affordable housing project with Deputy Mayor Murray and Philip Glanville the Mayor of Hackney; and

·             Visit to Sir John Cass’s Foundation School to learn about the City of London’s air quality monitoring work and to look at a system located in the school.

My visit to both cities resulted in a number of media articles, across domestic and international media, as well as interviews with American and European radio and television reaching a global audience. On social media, our work reached well over 100,000 people across Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. See Attachment A for a list of stories.

A key theme in media coverage, and an inspiring message for global and particularly U.S. Mayors, was Sydney’s capacity to set long-term strategy using ambitious emissions reductions targets and practical actions to achieve our objectives.

Justice for Climate Conference

The City of Paris hosted a conference focused on climate justice the day before the Women4Climate conference was held.

Mayor of Paris and C40 Chair, Anne Hidalgo, brought together mayors, leading activists, legal representatives and business leaders to discuss recent legal action undertaken by both city leaders and not for profit groups to force climate action and the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

To date, no major industrialised country is on track to meet the emissions reduction pledges that were agreed as part of the Paris Agreement. And while many national and state governments are failing to act, city leaders and their citizens are starting to successfully challenge this lack of action in the courts.

Recent cases discussed in the conference included:

Paris, Madrid and Brussels - in November 2018 a citizen-led petition, turned into a legal case by the mayors of Paris, Madrid and Brussels, scored a major victory by overturning the European Union’s ineffective policy on diesel emissions. Also important was the fact that the General Court of the European Union accepted the ‘admissibility of the actions’ by the cities to challenge European law. Prior to that, only cases involving member states of the European Commission had been heard in the court. The decision set new precedent for other cities to take up challenges.

Cape Town - in South Africa the City of Cape Town has lodged a high-court application to allow it to purchase electricity from independent power producers operating with renewable energy. Currently cities and towns in South Africa are tied to one energy provider – Eskom – which relies predominantly on coal.

French Petition – two million French citizens have signed a petition to sue the French national Government for climate “in-action” and to ask for the urgent implementation of the Paris Agreement. Their goal is to have the Court recognise the obligation of the National Government to act to limit global warming to 1.5C to protect French people from the risks of climate change.

The Netherlands - in 2015, the Urgenda foundation and 900 Dutch citizens asked their High Court to recognise a “duty of care” and the introduction of an obligation to protect citizens and nature against global warming and polluting activities. On October 9 2018, the Judges agreed to that principle and Urgenda won their lawsuit against the Dutch State, forcing it to take stronger action to address climate change. The Dutch Government announced its intention to appeal the decision in November 2018.
USA - Similar action has been brought by students in the US in the case Juliana v. U.S. The plaintiffs are all minors, their complaint asserts that their Government's actions are contributing to climate change and that violates the youngest generation’s constitutional rights to life, liberty, and property (equal-protection clause). The case also asserts that their Government has failed to protect essential public resources. The Trump Administration and the fossil fuel industry are trying to do everything they can to stop or delay the case from being heard.

Australia - On Friday 8 February 2019, the NSW Land and Environment Court upheld a previous decision to refuse consent for the Rocky Hill open cut coal mine in Gloucester. Justice Preston rejected the appeal saying the project was “in the wrong place at the wrong time.” Wrong place because it impacted the town’s amenity, and wrong time because science clearly shows that we need to urgently and rapidly reduce emissions to meet the Paris Agreement. It was the first time an Australian Court had heard evidence of a global budget of greenhouse gas emissions to avoid dangerous climate change to justify the refusal of a new coal mine. This case sets a precedent not just for Australia but worldwide as well.

I spoke about the shameful lack of action in Australia. We are one of the highest per capita emitters and have one of the lowest reduction targets of all wealthy countries – 28 per cent over last decade.

Our Federal Government dismantled an effective carbon tax in 2013; slashed renewable targets; abolished the independent climate change authority and supported one of the world’s largest coal mines.

Our State Government increased land clearing by 800 per cent; approved the expansion of a coal mine last year in Sydney’s water catchment area – one of eight mines currently threatening our water supply; and is building WestConnex – the biggest private tolled motorway in the world.

I outlined the terrible changes to our environment and climate that we are already experiencing – the bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef; the millions of dead fish recently found in one of the country’s major river systems; the fact that in 2018, our state was 100 per cent drought stricken; that out-of-control bushfires in Tasmania had threatened our world heritage forests, and that devastating floods had recently destroyed farms, cattle and wildlife in Queensland and Western Australia.

I then spoke about the work at the City. That even though we are being hampered by our National and State governments we have achieved impressive results through our work with business and residents.

I outlined that our population and economy had increased by 37 per cent since 2006 and, with business as usual, our greenhouse emissions would have increased by 50 per cent. Instead, we reduced emissions by 25 per cent in our own operations and city-wide by 20 per cent.

I also spoke about the inspiring courage and conviction of the thousands of students taking part in the school strikes to demand climate action. Young people recognise the injustice - they have contributed the least to climate change but will feel the brunt of its effects and stand to lose the most from government inaction.

After that conference, I joined other Mayors and attended the 34th Dinner of the French Jewish Community Umbrella Organisation where French President Emmanuel Macron spoke about the dangers of anti-Semitism.

C40 Women4Climate Conference

The burden of climate change is not distributed equally - the poor, women, children and indigenous people face disproportionate risks. For people with no safety net, one drought can mean a tumble into further hardship.

Those hit hardest by climate change are generally the least responsible for causing it, and have the least capacity to adapt. The idea that vulnerable people, particularly in developed nations, should be fairly considered was enshrined in the Paris Agreement.

Men and women are affected differently by climate change due to different social and cultural roles. Given existing gender inequalities and development gaps, climate change places a greater burden on women.

Helping women fully participate in the fight against climate change has been one of Mayor Hidalgo’s key priorities as C40 Chair.

The C40 Women4Climate initiative is focused on support for women leading the fight against climate change and a mentorship program for the next generation of women climate leaders.

The Women4Climate Summit is an annual event designed to bring global mayors, business leaders and innovative change makers together to showcase how women are taking the lead when it comes to climate action.

Before I left to go to the conference it was announced that the 4th Women4Climate Summit would be held in Sydney in 2020.

Themes for the 2019 conference included:

·             The Women4Climate Mentorship Programme: Empowering the climate heroines and female leaders of tomorrow;

·             The launch of the Women4Climate research: Addressing gender inequality in cities around the world through inclusive climate action plans;

·             The Women4Climate Tech Challenge: Promoting and implementing innovative solutions to climate change and air pollution by women around the world; and

·             Inclusive climate action & equitable cities: Showcasing female mayors committed to improving the everyday lives of their citizens.

I was involved in the following events as part of the conference:

Panel - What Makes a Smart City?

More jobs, cleaner air, safer communities - moderated by Sruthi Gottipati, Editor-in-Chief, Brut India.
Clover Moore, Lord Mayor of Sydney
Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago
Catherine Guillouard, President, RATP
Bertrand Camus, Group SEVP Africa, Middle East, India, Asia & Pacific, SUEZ

During this panel session I was asked what Sydney is doing to foster a green economy and how we are ensuring that all residents will benefit. And how had I seen the city change in my time as Mayor, as well as what I thought were the biggest areas for growth?

It was exciting to learn about the work in Chicago – particularly their work retrofitting buildings across their city area, which is similar to our work with the BBP. So far, the project has included 90 buildings which have reduced energy usage by 20 per cent. Chicago also has a project underway to replace all their street lights with LEDs. They are currently two years into a four-year program.

Mayor Emanuel spoke about how he had been inspired by the Mayor of Vancouver talking about a similar project at a previous C40 event and I informed him that our LED program was also inspired by a fellow C40 city – Los Angeles. Chicago has also set a target to convert all street buses to electric buses by 2040. The City Government purchases solar and wind renewable energy and has worked to make cycling a faster, safer and more efficient option, which has resulted in Chicago now becoming one of the leading cycling cities in the US.

I also found it interesting to learn that Chicago introduced a small fee for all Uber and Lyft rides that goes into a public transport fund set up by the City Government. They also charge Airbnb a small fee for all bookings that goes to homelessness services and domestic violence shelters.

Media Sessions

Close to 80 journalists, representing all major French media and international correspondents, attended the conference. I was interviewed in the media room by numerous journalists including those from France 24, Radio France, Elle magazine, Brut and Reuters International.

US Mayors Leading the Way Press Conference

Since 2017, American mayors have emerged as the most passionate advocates for bold climate action in America and internationally. At the Women4Climate Conference, mayors and representatives of US cities updated the local and international media on how they intended to continue their campaign to honour the deal negotiated in Paris, and deliver sustainable, prosperous and healthy cities, regardless of the rhetoric from the White House.


Mayor of Chicago, Illinois - Rahm Emanuel
Mayor of Charlotte, North Carolina - Vi Lyles
President of San Francisco Commission on the Environment - Elmy Bermejo

Additional speakers to comment on the global perspective:

Mayor of Paris and Chair of C40 – Anne Hidalgo
Lord Mayor of Sydney, Australia – Clover Moore

Closing Speech

I was asked to officially close the conference and to welcome everyone to Sydney next year.

During my speech I stressed how important it was for us to have C40 in Sydney. I said that our country is said to be the gateway to Asia – and that Asian cities, including those in China, have a major role to play in the global campaign to meet Paris targets.

That by hosting this conference in Sydney, we want to give a voice to the majority of Australians who believe the science and want action. And we hope that the presence of the Mayors at the C40 Women4Climate conference in Sydney will encourage our national government to lead Australia – the world’s largest coal exporter and one of the world’s highest emitters of greenhouse gases – in taking more ambitious action to address climate change.

Women4Climate Tech Challenge

CEO Monica Barone also took part in the Summit. She was a judge in the Women4Climate Tech Challenge – an international contest open to women designing innovative, climate-focused tech solutions. The key goal of the Challenge was to pilot projects that would have a measurable impact in cities.

The challenge was won by two young women:

·             lodie Grimoin for her Urban Canopee project which will be trialled in Paris - Urban Canopee provides autonomous and connected vegetal structures which allows cities to massively accelerate greening wherever trees cannot grow.

·             Inna Braverman for her Eco Wave Power project which will be trialled in Tel Aviv-Yafo - Eco Wave Power allows energy to be extracted from ocean waves and converts it into electricity. The technology allows for the generation of efficient, fully renewable, and 100% emission-free electricity at affordable prices. Eco Wave Power harnesses wave energy through uniquely shaped buoys that rise and fall with the motion of the waves. In 2016, Eco Wave Power opened the first 100KW grid connected power plant in Gibraltar.

Ultimately, the Tech Challenge aims to cultivate ground-breaking climate solutions that can be scaled and implemented in other C40 cities.

The CEO also held a number of side meetings with sponsors and C40 staff to discuss our summit in 2020.

Friendship City Chicago

While I was at the C40 Women4Climate conference, the Mayor of Chicago asked if the City of Sydney would sign a Sister City Agreement. The City of Sydney and Chicago have much in common, including a focus on design and architecture, climate action and public art.

Chicago and Illinois also have strong economic ties with Sydney and Australia. There are over 30 Australian-based companies in the Chicago area, and 40 Chicago-area companies have a presence in Sydney. Total trade between Illinois and Australia is $3.8 billion. The Australian Stock Exchange has its Australian base in Sydney and its U.S. base in Chicago.

I agreed to the request, but stated that our agreement could only be a Friendship City agreement as the Council in 1997 had resolved not to increase the number of sister city relationships that the City had. So for us, the City of Chicago is considered a “friendship city” but based on the City of Chicago’s guidelines for sister city relationships, we are considered a “sister city.”

Either way, this agreement does not commit the City financially to any commitments or require any new resources.
A full copy of the signed agreement is included in Attachment C.

London City

I was honoured that the City of London had organised a full program of informative events and meetings for our visit.

My agenda for the day included:

·             Meeting with Mayor Sadiq Khan;

·             Joint Media Conference;

·             Bilateral with Justine Simons, Deputy Mayor Culture and the Creative Industries;

·             Bilateral with James Murray, Deputy Mayor Housing;

·             Visit to Kings Crescent Estate, an affordable housing project with Deputy Mayor Murray and Philip Glanville the Mayor of Hackney; and

·             Visit to Sir John Cass’s Foundation School to learn about the City of London’s air quality monitoring work and to look at a system located in the school.

Mayor Khan and I spoke about the links between Australia and Britain, the affordable housing crisis, diversity and integration, and the challenges of balancing the city’s late night economy with a growing city population.

Mayor Khan spoke about how London City Hall lobbied their National Government for action on issues critical to their community, including the need for more affordable housing. The City uses their own planning laws to demand more affordable housing on development sites across the city.

He spoke about the importance of integration in cities and the need to break down silos. He said he felt a great responsibility to ensure London remained a welcoming city.

He also said London was struggling with the same issue that we in Sydney are facing around live music and residential growth. He said they had been inspired by our work to introduce agent of change principles and had adopted them into their own planning framework.

Justine Simons, the Deputy Mayor Culture and Creative Industries, is also Chair of the World Cities Culture Forum, a network of local government and cultural sector leaders from 39 world cities, providing global leadership on culture through evidence, inspiration and global collaboration.

The City of Sydney has been a member since 2014 and has actively participated in the Annual Summit of the Forum since 2017. 

Justine was enthusiastic about the Forum’s 2018 Report and Making Space for Culture, the most comprehensive reports ever published worldwide about culture and the role it plays in shaping city life, which were released late last year. These reports are based on extensive data and practice research, and demonstrate the power of culture to bring communities together.

The City of Sydney contributed a case study to Making Space for Culture, which sets out the work we are doing to reform planning policies to support the creative industries.

Other highlights in the reports include:

·             in Hong Kong, Rome and Moscow, mobile arts venues and libraries are used to bring culture closer to citizens in every corner of their cities, particularly those areas with traditionally lower engagement with arts and culture;

·             projects in Montréal, San Francisco and Melbourne, have been developed in collaboration with, and in recognition of, indigenous populations to celebrate and fully acknowledge the cultures of First Nations;

·             a number of cities are working with migrants and refugees to provide cultural opportunities to marginalised groups, from support to refugee artist residencies in Paris to Brussels, to offering film screenings to refugees in parks, asylum centres and people’s homes;

·             Stockholm’s cultural administration has teamed up with media company Consigo on a project called Tactsenze, enabling the visually-impaired to learn an instrument, an example of social inclusion through technology; and

·             to respond to the needs of a growing ageing population Amsterdam’s Age Friendly Cultural City program focuses specifically on cultural provision for the city’s older residents.

Justine also spoke about a leading program London has established – the Culture at Risk initiative – which is a hotline for venues at risk of closure due to rising rates, increasing development and shifting populations. She said since it was established it had saved 300 venues, from grassroots music venues to LGBTQ spaces.

She said Mayor Khan had made culture and creative spaces one of his key priorities, because in the last decade London has lost 40 per cent of its live music venues, 30 per cent of its artist studios and 50 per cent of its nightclubs.

She said they were piloting six Creative Enterprise Zones across London. The zones are a bold new project aimed at allowing artists and creative businesses to put down roots in an area and protecting them from rising property prices. These clusters of creative activity include long term affordable workspaces for artists and creative businesses, support for start ups, and new jobs and training for local communities.

The idea for the zones was developed to counter the threat to their City’s creative workforce which saw many creatives pushed out of the very neighbourhoods they had helped to revitalise because of the rapid pace of development.

She also told us about another new initiative that they had launched called the Creative Land Trust. The Trust is an independent organisation whose purpose is to secure permanent workspaces for artists in London. It offers financing for affordable workspace providers so that they can buy their own buildings as well as purchasing its own property to be used as permanent workspaces in London.

Its aim is to secure 1000 affordable workspaces in its first five years. The Trust has initially been funded via London City Hall, the Arts Council of England, Outset Contemporary Art Fund and Bloomberg Philanthropies.

The work that they are undertaking is incredibly inspiring and I believe City of Sydney staff should investigate London’s Culture at Risk initiative; the Creative Enterprise Zones and Creative Land Trust as part of their work in developing a cultural infrastructure strategy, to see if they would benefit our city’s cultural and creative sector.

James Murray Deputy Mayor of Housing took us through London’s housing policies. He said their national Government held most of the levers and funding for home building and the City Government was responsible for the strategic planning.

He said Mayor Khan had made housing a priority when he was elected, in particular a commitment that there would be no net loss of social housing and that existing estates would be regenerated if the majority of residents in the estate agreed.

He spoke about a similar challenge to what we face in Sydney, where their National Government believes that you can trust the free market to solve the housing issue – that increasing housing supply will solve the affordable housing crisis. We both agreed that ideology had long been proven wrong.

London City Hall has a number of housing targets, including a strategic planning target that there will be 50 per cent affordable housing in all new developments. The Deputy Mayor is also investigating ways to support long-term renters to save a deposit to purchase their own home.

Kings Crescent is an ambitious estate regeneration project by London architects Karakusevic Carson, involving the comprehensive redevelopment of the Kings Crescent Estate in Hackney.

The 100 million pound, five-year project is one of Hackney’s largest regeneration schemes and part of Hackney Council’s program to deliver 3,000 new homes across 18 sites – with more than half for social rent and low-cost home ownership.

The full masterplan will see up to 472 new homes built, including:

·             97 council homes for social rent;

·             101 council homes for shared ownership; and

·             the remainder for outright sale to help pay for them with little government funding for social housing.

The social rent homes will be allocated to families on their housing waiting list, with priority for residents in need living close to the development sites. The shared ownership homes are prioritised for people living and working in Hackney who are unable to afford to buy a home outright but are unlikely to be prioritised for social housing.

As well as the new homes, 275 current social homes received improvement works, including the installation of 'winter gardens' and balconies on homes that previously had no private outdoor space of their own. By upgrading the existing housing with large balconies, winter gardens and garages converted into new flats, the existing residents were part of the development and were allowed to remain in their homes throughout the works.

The development included the creation of new connections and permeable spaces including three courtyards and a new public space.

The first phase is now complete and the Council has begun consultation on the second phase, which will include up to 391 new and refurbished homes, new community and commercial spaces, and a big investment in public areas.

I was struck by the quality of design and the fact that the buildings were all low to mid rise – there were no tall towers. Each apartment block was designed the same way so there was no discernible difference between the types of housing. The Estate was surrounded by large, sunny green parks and even included a community garden. While at the Estate, I met a number of residents on low incomes who had been placed in new social housing and shared ownership housing and their gratitude and pride in their home was very moving.

Mayor Khan has also made reducing air pollution a key priority.

London’s air quality is constantly monitored at around 100 different locations. These sites are operated and funded by London boroughs. The London Air website, run by King's College London, records real time and historical monitoring data. They directly notify schools, care homes and GP surgeries when there is moderate, high and very high pollution.

London is currently trialling a cutting-edge street-by-street air quality monitoring system which is being used to analyse harmful pollution in 1,000 toxic hotspots across the city, including near schools, hospitals, construction sites and busy roads. It will deliver the most comprehensive data on toxic pollution in the world.

London has also introduced the world’s first toxicity charge for older, more polluting cars, and expanded their Ultra-Low Emission Zone, which is a traffic pollution charge aimed at reducing the exhaust gas emissions of diesel-powered commercial vehicles in London. Only vehicles that do not conform to stringent emission standards are charged.

This is expected to reduce harmful NOx (Nitrogen Oxides) emissions by about 50 per cent in central London, 40 per cent in inner London and 30 per cent in outer London.

London City Hall is also investing more than 300 million pounds to transform London’s bus fleet by retrofitting thousands of buses and committing to phase out pure diesel double deck buses from 2018. They recently announced 12 Low Emission Bus Zones which put the greenest buses on the capital’s most polluted routes.

The zones are expected to reduce NOx emissions by 84 per cent.

New taxis licensed after 1 January 2018 will also need to be zero emission. The new plans include new ‘zero emission’ ranks alongside a network of rapid electric charge points.

London and Paris have also both agreed to launch a new vehicle scoring scheme to help reduce the number of polluting vehicles in their cities. The Cleaner Vehicle Checker shows Londoners how much toxic NOx new cars emit, helping them to choose and buy less polluting vehicles.

The City of London has also launched an app called City Air. It includes a pollution map updated every hour, guides to the lowest pollution routes from anywhere in the city, and information about bus stops, stations and bike hire to help people move around the city.

Another focus is on reducing air pollution around schools. Fifty 'air quality' audits are taking place at primary schools in areas exceeding legal limits of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and air quality monitoring stations are being installed in schools as well.

We visited Sir John Cass Foundation School – a primary school and childcare centre in the heart of London’s city centre.

The school was approached in 2003 about a program to monitor and ultimately improve the air quality around the school. We were shown the 24-hour air quality monitoring station located in the school’s playground as well as the many ‘diffusion tubes’ located in some classrooms, the gym, and externally around the school and monitoring station. The air quality monitoring station they are using is not prohibitively expensive and roughly cost less than 50,000 pounds.

All the data collected is verified by Kings College London, and feeds into a live ‘map’ of predicted pollution across London.
They were very proud to tell us that for the first time since monitoring began the annual measure of air pollution around the site had reduced to below the legal limit.
The main reasons for the reduction is the work that the City of London has undertaken to improve the public domain around the school – closing a busy vehicular laneway right next to the school and instead creating two new open spaces - Mitre Square and Aldgate Square. Footpaths were also widened around the school site and hundreds of plants and trees planted. Evidence shows that greening provides more surfaces to trap tiny polluting particles in the air.

It’s clear from what I learnt in London that our State Government, who has responsibility for air pollution in NSW, is failing to keep up with the impressive work being undertaken by other cities, especially London, to protect the health of their communities.

I learned that in London more than 9,000 people die every year because of air pollution and the cost of air pollution to London’s economy is 3.7 billion pounds.

The staff I spoke to who were responsible for monitoring London’s air quality were shocked that our State Government was building the world’s largest private tolled motorway in the city area and next to people’s homes, schools and regional parks. It is obvious that this destructive project will dramatically increase air pollution in Sydney.

I believe our staff should investigate the installation of an air quality monitoring stations near congested roads in our area as soon as possible so that we can monitor the data before WestConnex starts operating, and then compare that to the data we get when it is opened.


C40 covered most of my travel and accommodation costs and some costs for City staff. During the Council meeting on 10 December, Council endorsed a budget of approximately $13,000 per person from funds available within existing operational budgets.

While final incidental costs are still to be reconciled, the trip will be under the budget approved by Council and more likely $10,500 per person.

Support for the Student Climate Strike

On Friday 15 March, at least 500 student protests are planned across 50 countries around the world to demand climate action. In Sydney, organisers are expecting over 10,000 students to strike.

Students taking part in the School Climate Strike want to stage a community event following the strike and we have been asked to support them.

The Climate Election Town Hall event, planned for Wednesday 27 March, will aim to bring together 1,000 students and adults from across the city so they can learn the latest strategies for championing climate leadership in their communities.

The event is being organised by Australian Youth Climate Coalition and Tipping Point. They are requesting that we support the event by providing the use of the Centennial Hall.

The School Strike for Climate movement has grown momentum across the globe at a spectacular pace. Veteran climate campaigners have been astonished by what has been achieved in such a short time, calling it “one of the most hopeful things in the last 30 years.”

I strongly support what they are doing and believe we should provide value-in-kind sponsorship of the event.


It is resolved that Council:

(A)        note the information provided in this report;

(B)      ask the CEO to investigate London’s Culture at Risk initiative; the Creative Enterprise Zones and Creative Land Trust as part of staff work developing a cultural infrastructure strategy to see if they would benefit our city’s cultural and creative sector;

(C)       ask the CEO to investigate the installation of air quality monitoring stations near congested roads as soon as possible;

(D)       stand in solidarity with all student activists striking for climate action on Friday 15 March; and

(E)        provide value-in-kind sponsorship to the Australian Youth Climate Coalition Ltd for the Climate Election Town Hall event not exceeding $20,000 (ex-GST) for venue hire fee waiver.


Lord Mayor

Moved by the Chair (the Lord Mayor), seconded by Councillor Miller –

That the minute by the Lord Mayor be endorsed and adopted.

The minute was carried on the following show of hands –

Ayes (8)          The Chair (the Lord Mayor), Councillors Kok, Miller, Phelps, Scott, Scully, Thalis and Vithoulkas

Noes (2)          Councillors Chung and Forster

Minute carried.


Procedural Motions

During discussion on this matter, the following procedural motion was moved by Councillor Forster, seconded by Councillor Chung –

That the motion be voted on in five separate sections – (A) to (E) separately.

The procedural motion was declared lost on the following show of hands - 

Ayes (4)          Councillors Chung, Forster, Scott, and Vithoulkas

Noes (6)          The Chair (the Lord Mayor), Councillors Kok, Miller, Phelps, Scully, and Thalis

A further procedural motion was moved by Councillor Forster, seconded by Councillor Chung –

That the motion be voted on in two sections, firstly parts (A) to (C) then parts (D) and (E).

A show of hands on the motion resulted in an equality of voting as follows:  

Ayes (5)          Councillors Chung, Forster, Phelps, Scott, and Vithoulkas

Noes (5)          The Chair (the Lord Mayor), Councillors Kok, Miller, Scully, and Thalis

The Lord Mayor exercised her casting vote against the motion. The motion was declared lost.