Street Events - Temporary Road Closures - Wilson Street, Newtown - FKA Twigs 2019

16/05/2019 - Street Events - Temporary Road Closures - Wilson Street, Newtown - FKA Twigs 2019



It is recommended that the Committee endorse the temporary road closures for the FKA Twigs on Sunday, 9 June 2019 from 9.45pm to 10.30pm subject to the following conditions:

(A)      The Applicant must comply with the temporary road closure conditions as stipulated in Schedule A of this agenda.

(B)      The Applicant must contact the Redfern PAC and Newtown PAC to discuss deployment of user pay police for the event.

(C)      The Applicant must contact the City’s Venue Management Unit to discuss the event.

(D)      The Applicant must provide a telephone number of the supervisor responsible for the proposed event and include contact details in the notification letters to be distributed to affected stakeholders.


Voting Members for this Item


Voting Members



City of Sydney



Roads and Maritime Services



NSW Police – Redfern PAC and Newtown PAC



Representative for the Member for Newtown





The Committee carried the recommendation unanimously.


Event Services International Pty Ltd has applied for the temporary road closures of Wilson Street and Codrington Street for the FKA Twigs on Sunday, 9 June 2019 from 9.45pm to 10.30pm.

Vehicles travelling eastbound along Wilson Street will be diverted to Abercrombie Street via Shepherd Street. Vehicles travelling westbound on Wilson Street will be diverted to Abercrombie Street vis Golden Grove Street.

VMS messaging will be implemented on Wilson Street to notify drivers of delays and detours.