Award of Heritage Floor Space - Haymarket Library

09/12/2019 - Award of Heritage Floor Space - Haymarket Library

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council approve the Haymarket Library Conservation Management Plan, prepared by Urbis Pty Ltd, dated 7 December 2018, as required by the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 and provided at Attachment C to the subject report;

(B)      Council approve the award of 1,125.38 square metres of heritage floor space, subject to:

(i)         placing covenants on title, as required by the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012, to ensure that no development can occur on the site that either:

(a)       increases the gross floor area of the heritage building; or

(b)       increases the height of the heritage building;

(ii)        placing covenants on title that ensure the continued maintenance and conservation of the building in line with the Haymarket Library Conservation Management Plan, prepared by Urbis Pty Ltd, dated 7 December 2018. This covenant must include a requirement for ongoing provision of adequate insurance and a maintenance fund, as required by the Sydney Development Control Plan 2012; and

(iii)      completion of works required to address the active decay of the stonework on the building, as outlined in paragraphs 30 and 31 of the independent consultant's report prepared by Hector Abrahams Architects. These works are to be completed and verified by a suitably qualitied person prior to the registration of the heritage floor space in the Heritage Floor Space Register;

(C)      authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to confirm the calculation of the final award and finalise the deed and required covenants in accordance with (B) above.

Carried unanimously.
