Local Government NSW Annual Conference 2019 - Nomination of Delegates

24/06/2019 - Local Government NSW Annual Conference 2019 - Nomination of Delegates

Memorandum by the Chief Executive Officer

To Council:

This memorandum seeks Council’s consideration of the nomination of Councillors as voting delegates to the Local Government New South Wales (LGNSW) Annual Conference, to be held from Monday 14 to Wednesday 16 October 2019 at the William Inglis Hotel, Warwick Farm.

The Conference is the main policy-making event for the local government sector. Delegates will vote on motions which determine the policies and priorities for LGNSW and the sector. As 2019 is a Board election year, voting for the LGNSW President and Director positions will also take place at this year's conference.

Registration to Attend the Conference

Conference attendees are invited to register from 15 July 2019 to take advantage of early bird rates.

Voting delegates must be registered to attend the conference, and also be registered as a voting delegate on two separate rolls - one for voting on motions and one for voting in the Board election.

Registration as a Voting Delegate

The City of Sydney is entitled to register up to 10 voting delegates for motions and for the Board election in 2019. It is proposed that Council nominates the Lord Mayor and all Councillors to attend.

The deadline to provide LGNSW with the names of voting delegates is 20 September 2019. Additional nominations received after the closing date cannot be accepted. However, the names of voting delegates may be substituted at any time, in line with Rule 34 of the LGNSW Rules.

Voting delegates may not appoint a proxy to attend or vote at formal business sessions on their behalf.

Conference Program / Motions

The conference will include discussion and debate on a range of motions from councils relating to current and emerging policy issues that are facing local government in NSW. The draft conference program will be distributed to Councillors when it becomes available.

All members can put forward motions to be considered at the conference, which should be strategic, affect members state-wide, and introduce new or emerging policy issues and actions.

Members submitting motions are encouraged to be familiar with the LGNSW Policy Platform. The purpose of this Policy Platform is to consolidate the numerous policies and positions of LGNSW – as determined by members – into a single document for ease of reference for members and stakeholders.

Councillors can also refer to the Annual Conference 2019 Motions Submission Guide on the LGNSW website for information on the criteria for motion submission, examples of motions, and what happens to motions after the conference.

Members are asked to submit motions by 19 August 2019. The latest date for submission of motions is 16 September 2019.

The full conference business paper is expected to be available one week prior to the conference.

Election of LGNSW President and Board of Directors

As 2019 is a Board election year, voting for the LGNSW President and Director positions will also take place at this year’s Conference.

This year the Conference will involve two types of voting and LGNSW is required to develop two separate rolls of voters:

1.           Voting on motions – To vote on motions, delegates must be an elected member of a council, county council, the Lord Howe Island Board (LHIB), Norfolk Island Regional Council (NIRC) or Related Local Government Body (RLGB) or an Administrator appointed in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993.

2.           Voting in the election for Office Bearers and the Board (Board election) – To vote in the Board election, delegates must be a Councillor of a council which is an Ordinary member.

Ordinary members need to advise LGNSW of the name(s) of their nominated voting delegate(s) for both types of voting: voting on motions and voting in the Board election.

Councillors' Expenses and Facilities Policy

Councillors Chung and Scott were the City of Sydney delegates at the 2018 LGNSW Conference held in Albury. Expenditure incurred for the 2018 conference totalled $2,165.72.

The Councillors' Expenses and Facilities Policy 2017 provides for Councillors to attend the LGNSW Annual Conference at Council's expense. Funds are available in the draft 2019/20 operating budget to cover registration fees, travel and other reasonable expenses incurred by Councillors.


Located in the south-west of Sydney, the conference venue, The William Inglis Hotel at Riverside Stables is situated 50 minutes from the Sydney CBD. The site is accessible by car or bus and is a 15-minute walk from Warwick Farm train station.


It is resolved that:

(A)        Council appoint the Lord Mayor and all other Councillors as its voting delegates at the Local Government NSW (LGNSW) Annual Conference to be held in Warwick Farm from 14 to 16 October 2019;

(B)        all registration fees, travel and other reasonable expenses associated with the attendance of Councillors at the conference be met by the City in accordance with the Councillors' Expenses and Facilities Policy 2017; and

(C)       Council note that a spouse, partner or other person may accompany a Councillor at the conference, and the City will meet the cost of their registration fees and official conference dinners.


Chief Executive Officer

Moved by the Chair (the Lord Mayor), seconded by Councillor Scott –

That the Memorandum by the Chief Executive Officer be endorsed and adopted.

Carried unanimously.
