Support for Medevac Bill

24/06/2019 - Support for Medevac Bill

Moved by Councillor Phelps, seconded by the Chair (the Lord Mayor) –

It is resolved that:

(A)        Council note:

(i)          we are currently experiencing an urgent health crisis in our off-shore detention centres Manus Island and Nauru:

(a)        many come into detention with pre-existing injuries and trauma, with offshore detention conditions causing this to be compounded by a widespread deterioration of refugees' and people seeking asylum's mental and physical health; and

(b)        to date, 12 people have died in Australian offshore detention;

(ii)         the medical facilities in these detention centres are not equipped for dealing with more serious or complex medical conditions;

(iii)        the Medevac Bill saw the creation of an independent medical process, based on medical expertise to create a clear, transparent, enforceable and timely medical transfer process, so refugees can get the appropriate and timely medical attention they need; and

(iv)       the Morrison government is threatening to repeal the Home Affairs Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous Measures) Bill 2018, which was passed in February 2019; and

(B)        the Lord Mayor be requested to write to the Prime Minister, the Hon. Scott Morrison MP, and the Minister for Home Affairs, the Hon. Peter Dutton MP, on behalf of Council, expressing the City of Sydney's support for the Medevac Bill, and the work being done by the Medical Evacuation Response Group.

The motion was carried on the following show of hands –

Ayes (8)          The Lord Mayor, Councillors Kok, Miller, Phelps, Scott, Scully, Thalis and Vithoulkas

Noes (2)          Councillors Chung and Forster.

Motion carried.
