Public Exhibition - Planning Proposal - Heritage Listing - 82-84 Dixon Street, Haymarket (Former Kwong War Chong & Co Building) - Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 Amendment

09/09/2019 - Public Exhibition - Planning Proposal - Heritage Listing - 82-84 Dixon Street, Haymarket (Former Kwong War Chong & Co Building) - Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 Amendment

It is resolved that:

(A)        Council approve the Planning Proposal: Heritage Listing 82-84 Dixon Street, Haymarket shown at Attachments A1 to A3, subject to the inclusion of information at Attachment A to the Information Relevant to Item 9.3 Memorandum to the Heritage Inventory at Appendix 2 of the Planning Proposal: Heritage Listing 82-84 Dixon Street, Haymarket for submission to the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces with a request for Gateway Determination;

(B)        Council approve the Planning Proposal: Heritage Listing 82-84 Dixon Street, Haymarket for public exhibition in accordance with any conditions imposed under the Gateway Determination;

(C)       authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to make any minor variations to the planning proposal following receipt of the gateway determination;

(D)       Council seek authority from the Secretary of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment to make the amendment to Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 under section 3.31(3)(c) as set out in the Planning Proposal: Heritage Listing 82-84 Dixon Street, Haymarket, shown at Attachments A1 to A3; and

(E)        Council note that the resolution to approve the Planning Proposal: Heritage Listing 82- 84 Dixon Street, Haymarket to add the item on the heritage schedule of Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 will extend the interim heritage order for another six months for a total 12 months, to 22 March 2020.

Carried unanimously.
