Sydney Light Rail Project Update and Smoke Free George Street

09/09/2019 - Sydney Light Rail Project Update and Smoke Free George Street

It is resolved that:

(A)        Council note:

(i)          the information contained in the subject report at Item 3 on the agenda of the Corporate, Finance, Properties and Tenders Committee of 2 September 2019;

(ii)         the commercial information contained within Confidential Attachment E to the subject report at Item 3 on the agenda of the Corporate, Finance, Properties and Tenders Committee of 2 September 2019, and approve the additional granite paving works in lieu of cleansing services fees owed by the Light Rail contractor;

(iii)        that the City advocated for light rail to ease inner Sydney congestion for over a decade;

(iv)       that when the NSW Government agreed to the CBD and South East Light Rail Project, the City responded by committing two hundred and twenty million dollars, to achieve its vision of creating a world class boulevard on George Street, with more street trees and new street furniture;

(v)         that when complete, the Light Rail will create more space for pedestrians and cyclists and provide a calmer, less polluted and more appealing environment for workers, visitors and residents;

(vi)       the proposed pedestrianisation of other sections of George Street and Devonshire Street, which is in line with the original Sustainable Sydney 2030 project idea and that the public domain works associated with these additional pedestrianised sections will need to be funded from future capital works budgets;

(vii)      that the City will undertake a robust stakeholder consultation program for the proposed public domain works associated with these additional pedestrianised sections prior to submitting a concept design report for Council’s approval. Estimated costs of implementation will be provided in the Council report;

(viii)     that residents, ratepayers, small businesses and their families have been significantly impacted by the Light Rail Project construction delays;

(ix)       that the Lord Mayor has repeatedly advocated to the Minister for Transport on behalf of small businesses, including advocating for assistance to businesses affected by the Light Rail construction on George Street since 2015;

(x)         that the City has worked with Transport for NSW and the CBD Coordination Office to provide a variety of business support services, including the Light Rail Activations program through the Christmas 2016 and 2017 period;

(xi)       that the City advocated for Transport for NSW to introduce greater transparency around the availability and process for compensation available to residents and businesses at the Public Accountability Committee Inquiry into the impact of the CBD and South East Light Rail Project; and

(xii)      that Transport for NSW intends to terminate the Small Business Program on 1 October 2019;

(B)        Council approve the designation of smoke-free zones along George Street from Hunter to Bathurst Streets, along with adjacent public places, as outlined in Attachment D to the subject report at Item 3 on the agenda of the Corporate, Finance, Properties and Tenders Committee of 2 September 2019;

(C)       the Chief Executive Officer be requested to:

(i)          continue the waiving of any outdoor dining fees along the Light Rail route up until 30 June 2021 (a 12 month extension on the existing waiver) as part of the publically exhibited fees and charges as required under the Local Government Act 1993;

(ii)         write a letter to inform businesses along the Light Rail route within the City’s Local Government Area of the 1 October 2019 deadline for the NSW Government’s Small Business Assistance Program applications;

(iii)        investigate activation programs to encourage return patronage to the completed Light Rail route;

(iv)       ensure resources are available to assist businesses that are affected by public domain upgrade works to navigate NSW Government and City processes; and

(v)         consult with members of the Bourke Street Public School and Stop at the Dots campaign regarding the current plans for Wimbo Park, noting their concerns about the lack of safety of the 900mm fence dividing the park from the light rail corridor, and lack of marking of roads and light rail corridor on the western end of Wimbo Park; and

(D)       the Lord Mayor be requested to:

(i)          write to the Minister for Transport and Roads and the Secretary of Transport for NSW, advocating for stronger state government action to ensure safety, especially around schools, and requesting that the Small Business Assistance Program remain in place for a full 12 months after the entire route is servicing a complete and paid timetable; and

(ii)         write to the Small Business Commissioner asking her Office to deploy its resources to conduct a business health check six months and 12 months after Light Rail is fully operational, and request that the results of the health checks be provided to Council.

The motion, as varied by consent, was carried unanimously.
