City of Sydney Multicultural Statement

19/08/2019 - City of Sydney Multicultural Statement

Moved by Councillor Scott, seconded by Councillor Thalis –

It is resolved that Council:

(A)        note ‘A City for All: Towards a socially just and resilient Sydney’ Social Sustainability Policy was adopted by Council in July 2016. In recognition of these previous commitments and considering the massacre of Muslim worshippers at a mosque in New Zealand earlier this year, it is imperative that Council reaffirm its commitment to be a welcoming city that embraces and celebrates the cultural and linguistic diversity of its residents and visitors;

(B)        reaffirm:

(i)          its commitment to a multicultural Australia that is inclusive for all people; 

(ii)         its commitment to supporting a socially cohesive community in our Local Government Area;

(iii)        its support of the Policy Principles of LGNSW in their Multicultural Communities Policy Statement: 

(a)        Equity – fair distribution of resources; 

(b)        Rights – equality for all people; 

(c)         Access – to services essential to quality of life; 

(d)        Participation – of all people in their community; and 

(e)        Recognition – of the unique place of Aboriginal people in NSW and the right of Aboriginal people to be involved in all decisions affecting Aboriginal communities; 

(C)       support building social cohesion within the Sydney LGA creating linkages between communities within our LGA to help break down barriers and grow acceptance and inclusion; and 

(D)       endorse that the following motion be submitted to the 2019 LGNSW Annual Conference:

That the Local Government and Shires Association of New South Wales (LGNSW) supports the Multicultural Communities Policy Statement: 

(a)        Equity – fair distribution of resources; 

(b)        Rights – equality for all people; 

(c)         Access – to services essential to quality of life; 

(d)        Participation – of all people in their community; and 

(e)        Recognition – of the unique place of Aboriginal people in NSW and the right of Aboriginal people to be involved in all decisions affecting Aboriginal communities. 

Carried unanimously.
