Moved by Councillor Phelps, seconded by Councillor Vithoulkas –
It is resolved that:
(A) Council note that:
(i) Tusculum Street, Potts Point, is a historically significant street located between Victoria Street and Macleay Street in the City's local government area, with Wayside Chapel and the state heritage-listed Tusculum property near the street;
(ii) the street has a medium to high pedestrian traffic for residents, and local and international tourists walking between the two main thoroughfares and beyond, as well as residential students of St Vincent's College getting to the school's residential block;
(iii) the City's 'Passion: Sydney's Wild Side' historical walking tour features two stops close to Tusculum Street - Wayside Chapel and heritage-listed Tusculum - and visitors must walk down Tusculum Street as part of this tour;
(iv) there are nine street lamps on Tusculum Street, but the street features five different types and styles of street lamp as the City, over time, replaced the original uniform low-height lamps with lamps of three different heights and two types of construction material;
(v) local residents have asked for the lamps to be upgraded as part of the Macleay Street Upgrade and replaced with uniform, low-height and discreet lamps; and
(vi) while the street lamps are owned by AusGrid, under the AusGrid's Public Lighting Management Plan and the City's Sydney Lights Public Domain Design Code, the City does have input on street lamp design; and
(B) the Chief Executive Officer be requested to:
(i) identify the most appropriate style of street lamp for Tusculum Street that is both low-impact to the residencies along the street and provides the most efficient method of lighting the street, given the street's current environmental factors;
(ii) investigate the feasibility of including the upgrade of Tusculum Street's street lamps for Tusculum Street, so that all nine street lamps are uniform, as part of the MacLeay Street Upgrades;
(iii) work with AusGrid to provide the residents of Tusculum Street with nine uniform street lamps; and
(iv) consider streetscape upgrades for Tusculum Street at the same time as the Macleay Street Upgrade works.
Note – the motion above was not carried. The resolution as below was carried –
It is resolved that:
(A) Council note that:
(i) Potts Point has a rich Sydney history which is reflected in its grand architecture, some built in the 1800s and early 1900s;
(ii) Tusculum Street, Potts Point, is part of the historically significant street layout between Victoria Street and Macleay Street, formed as part of the subdivision of the original 1828 Villas of Woolloomoolloo Hill subdivision. The street was created as part of the subdivision of the state heritage-listed Tusculum property nearby in Manning Street, while The Wayside Chapel is nearby in Hughes Street;
(iii) the old Metro Theatre, which staged the musical Hair in 1970 and housed the Oscar-winning movie studio that made Happy Feet, is nearby in Orwell Street;
(iv) there are nine street lamps on Tusculum Street, but the street features five different types and styles of street lamp as the City, over time, replaced the original uniform low-height lamps with lamps of three different heights and two types of construction material;
(v) local residents have asked for the lamps to be upgraded as part of the Macleay Street Upgrade and replaced with uniform, low-height and discreet lamps;
(vi) the street lamps are owned and maintained by Ausgrid;
(vii) the City will continue to advocate for Ausgrid to improve and better manage the street lighting it owns and maintains;
(viii) under AusGrid's Public Lighting Management Plan and the City's Sydney Lights Public Domain Design Code, the City has some input on street lamp design; and
(ix) City staff are currently reviewing the City’s Sydney Lights Public Domain Design Code for our Local Government Area; and
(B) the Chief Executive Officer be requested to ask Ausgrid to consider the upgrading of lighting on Tusculum Street as part of a wider evaluation of improved, consistent and energy efficient lighting in the local streets in Potts Point, as part of the review of the City’s Sydney Lights Public Domain Design Code.
Carried unanimously.