Project Scope - Lawrence Hargrave Reserve Upgrade, Elizabeth Bay

09/03/2020 - Project Scope - Lawrence Hargrave Reserve Upgrade, Elizabeth Bay

It is resolved that Council:

(A)        endorse the scope of work for improvements to Lawrence Hargrave Reserve as described in the subject report and shown in the Consultation Draft Concept Plan at Attachment B to the subject report for progression to relevant approvals, preparation of construction documentation, tender and construction;

(B)        note the estimated project forecast and approve the additional funding in future years budgets, which will be brought forward from the Parks General Capital Works forward estimates as outlined in Confidential Attachment F to the subject report; and

(C)       include feedback from local community groups including maintaining Lawrence Hargrave Reserve as a quiet space, maintaining native habitats, water harvesting options, and including a plaque in memory of aeronautical pioneer Lawrence Hargrave, after whom this reserve is named, and who is “the man on the $20 note”.

The amendment was carried on the following show of hands –

Ayes (8)     The Chair (the Deputy Lord Mayor), and Councillors Chung, Forster, Kok, Phelps, Scott, Thalis and Vithoulkas

Noes (1)     Councillor Miller.

Amendment carried.

The substantive motion was carried unanimously. 
