Section 4.55 Application: 890-898 Bourke Street, Zetland - D/2015/98/B

25/06/2020 - Section 4.55 Application: 890-898 Bourke Street, Zetland - D/2015/98/B

Moved by the Chair (the Lord Mayor), seconded by Councillor Thalis -

It is resolved that consent be granted to Section 4.55 Application No. D/2015/98/B, and that the following conditions of consent be amended (with amendments shown in bold italics and deletions shown in strikethrough) as follows -

Amend Condition 2 (a) to insert following revised plans

Drawing Number



DA – 2101 – Issue B P2
Basement Plan Envelope

Candalepas Associates + Wendy Lewin

WMK Architecture

23 June 2015


DA – 2102 – Issue B P2
Ground Floor Plan Envelope

Candalepas Associates + Wendy Lewin

WMK Architecture

23 June 2015


DA – 2103 – Issue B P2
Typical Floor Plan Envelope

Candalepas Associates + Wendy Lewin

WMK Architecture

23 June 2015


DA – 2104 – Issue B P2
Top Level Floor Plan Envelope

Candalepas Associates + Wendy Lewin

WMK Architecture

23 June 2015


DA – 2201 – Issue B P2
Section AA Envelope

Candalepas Associates + Wendy Lewin

WMK Architecture

23 June 2015


DA – 2202 – Issue B P2
Section BB Envelope

Candalepas Associates + Wendy Lewin

WMK Architecture

23 June 2015


DA – 2301 – Issue B P2
Elevations North and East Proposed Envelope

Candalepas Associates + Wendy Lewin

23 June 2015


DA – 2302 – Issue B P2
Elevations South and West Proposed Envelope

Candalepas Associates + Wendy Lewin

WMK Architecture

23 June 2015



Amend Condition 4 to refer to the amendment to the VPA as proposed in the Deed of Variation as follows:


The terms of the Planning Agreement entered into in accordance with Deferred Commencement Condition (1) Voluntary Planning Agreement and as amended must be complied with.

Amend parts (a), (b) and (o) of Condition 11 as follows - 


(a)  The building separation distances specified within the ADG relating to visual   privacy unless appropriate privacy screening devices are approved under any future detailed development consent. 

(b)   The minimum floor to floor and floor to ceiling heights within the ADG and Sydney   DCP 2012 unless a reduced floor to ceiling height is approved under any future detailed development consent.

(o)   The requirements of Section 3.1.6 of the Sydney DCP 2012 relating to sites greater than 5,000 sqm, which ask for a range of complimentary uses and housing types, including single storey apartments and garden apartments. and maisonette apartments or terrace houses be provided; and at least 5% of the total dwellings on the site are to be terrace houses or maisonette apartments;

See Attachment A for the conditions of consent.

Reasons for Decision

The application is recommended for approval for the following reasons:

(A)        The development as modified is substantially the same as was originally approved and is consistent with the requirements of Section 4.55(2) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

(B)        The proposed building envelopes are capable of accommodating a future building which exhibit design excellence in accordance with Clause 6.21 of the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012.

(C)       The proposed envelopes are capable of being consistent with the provisions of the State Environmental Planning Policy No 65—Design Quality of Residential Apartment Development and the Apartment Design Guide.

Carried unanimously.



Mr Murray Donaldson (Urbis) – on behalf of the applicant, and Mr John Andreas (WMK Architecture) – on behalf of the applicant, addressed the meeting of the Central Sydney Planning Committee on Item 8.