Moved by Councillor Phelps, seconded by Councillor Chung –
It is resolved that:
(A) Council note the petition signed by 76 residents of the Woolloomooloo community, requesting a City of Sydney public Community Meeting open to all in the Woolloomooloo Community either held quarterly in conjunction with the current Police Community Meeting or as a standalone regular event, as per the Lord Mayor's Forum for Social Housing Tenants; and
(B) the Chief Executive Officer be requested to:
(i) set up a quarterly community meeting, in the evening to allow people working during the day to attend, open to all in the Woolloomooloo Community, to be held in similar format to the Lord Mayor's Forum for Social Housing Tenants;
(ii) ensure the date and time of the meeting are published on all forms of online Council communication, including social media and the Council's website; and
(iii) report meeting outcomes back to Council.
Note – the motion above was not carried. The resolution as below was carried –
It is resolved that:
(A) Council note:
(i) that the City of Sydney had scheduled a meeting to be held with Woolloomooloo residents and other government agencies in March 2020, that was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic;
(ii) the Lord Mayor met with some residents in Woolloomooloo and City of Sydney staff on Zoom in April 2020 to address local concerns;
(iii) in response to requests from Woolloomooloo residents to hold a meeting in conjunction with the current Police Community Meeting or as a standalone regular event, the City of Sydney will reschedule a meeting with all Woolloomooloo residents as per the Lord Mayor’s Forum for Social Housing Tenants;
(iv) this will allow for complex issues to be discussed by the community, such as the action the City of Sydney is taking on homelessness, the management of Tom Uren Square and the operation of the mobile voluntary food services;
(B) Council note that the current community police meetings are held in Kings Cross in a similar format to the Lord Mayor’s Social Housing Forum, in accordance with advice from the NSW Department of Health; and
(C) the Chief Executive Officer be requested to:
(i) schedule a meeting in Woolloomooloo for the entire community to be held in a similar format to the Lord Mayor’s Social Housing Forum, in accordance with advice from the NSW Department of Health; and
(ii) ensure the date and time of the meeting are published on all forms of online Council communication, including social media and the Council's website.
The amendment was carried on the following show of hands –
Ayes (5) The Chair (the Lord Mayor), Councillors Kok, Miller, Scully and Thalis
Noes (4) Councillors Chung, Phelps and Scott.
Note – Councillor Forster did not indicate a vote and is taken to have abstained from voting on this matter. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 9.4 of the Code of Meeting Practice, Councillor Forster is taken to have voted against the amendment.
Amendment carried.
The substantive motion was carried on the following show of hands –
Ayes (7) The Chair (the Lord Mayor), Councillors Chung, Kok, Miller, Scott, Scully and Thalis
Noes (2) Councillor Phelps.
Note – Councillor Forster did not indicate a vote and is taken to have abstained from voting on this matter. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 9.4 of the Code of Meeting Practice, Councillor Forster is taken to have voted against the substantive motion.
Motion carried.