Other Authorities - Traffic Treatment - Temporary Road Closure - George Street, The Rocks

17/09/2020 - Other Authorities - Traffic Treatment - Temporary Road Closure - George Street, The Rocks



It is recommended that the Committee endorse the extension of the temporary road closure of the northbound lane of George Street, The Rocks, between Argyle and Globe Streets, until 2 November 2020.

Voting Members for this Item


Voting Members



City of Sydney



Place Management NSW



Transport for NSW



NSW Police – Sydney City PAC



Representative for the Member for Sydney





The Committee unanimously supported the recommendation to the extend the temporary road closure of the northbound lane of George Street, The Rocks, between Argyle and Globe Streets, until 31 October 2020.


The Local Pedestrian Cycling and Traffic Committee (LPCTCC) at its 18 June 2020 meeting were briefed that Place Management NSW would be seeking out of session approval to implement a short-term pedestrianised area on George St, The Rocks to support COVID19 response.

After consultation with voting members of the LPCTCC, a request for out of session endorsement was issued to the LPCTCC for a temporary northbound carriageway closure of George St between Globe St and Argyle St in The Rocks between 8th July – 20th July. The City of Sydney, NSW Police, Transport NSW and the Representative for the Member for Sydney advised no objection to this proposal.

On Friday 17th July, Place Management NSW submitted a request to the LPCTCC for out of session approval to extend this northbound closure until the 3rd of August. The City of Sydney, NSW Police, Transport NSW and the Representative for the Member for Sydney advised no objection to the continuation of this arrangement.

This proposal is for the:

·                Closed northbound carriageway closure of Geroge St, The Rocks between Globe St and Argyle St until Monday 2 November 2020

·                Parking, loading zone and mail zone changes on the western side of George Street between Argyle St and Globe St until the 2 November 2020.

 Note: In discussions with Port Authority NSW, PMNSW has agreed to remove the closure if / when the Overseas Passenger Terminal returns to cruise vessel operations. Port Authority will provide an update notification to PMNSW in September 2020.

PMNSW would like the LPCTCC to consider a rolling over endorsement of the temporary closure of George St beyond October at November 19th LPCTCC meetings, if Port Authority NSW provides advice that the cruise ship operations will not occur during the following months being November and December 2020.