Project Scope - Minogue Crescent Reserve Upgrade, Forest Lodge

26/10/2020 - Project Scope - Minogue Crescent Reserve Upgrade, Forest Lodge

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council endorse the scope of work improvements to the park and playground at Minogue Crescent Reserve, Forest Lodge, as described in the subject report and shown in the Revised Concept Plan as Attachment B to the subject report, for progression to relevant approvals, preparation of construction documentation, noting tender and construction pending favourable resolution of a signed agreement with the Land and Housing Corporation;

(B)      authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to liaise with the Land and Housing Corporation and Sydney Water to reach agreement on the use of land before any works commence; and

(C)      Council note the estimated project forecast as outlined in Confidential Attachment D to the subject report.

Carried unanimously.
