Exemption from Tender - George Street South Pedestrianisation

26/10/2020 - Exemption from Tender - George Street South Pedestrianisation

Moved by Councillor Scully, seconded by the Chair (the Lord Mayor) -

It is resolved that:

(A)      Council approve an exemption from tender for the detailed design and construction of the ‘George Street South Pedestrianisation’ project, noting that because of extenuating circumstances, a satisfactory result would not be achieved by inviting new tenders;

(B)      Council note that a satisfactory result would not be achieved by inviting new tenders for the subject project because:

(i)         the works involved for the ‘George Street South Pedestrianisation’ project are the same types of streetscape works envisaged under existing schedule of rates Contract 1840-A;

(ii)        there is insufficient time to undertake a new tender without impacting on the time sensitive response to the Covid-19 pandemic through the provision of more space for pedestrians;

(iii)      value for money is achieved by using the existing schedule of rates contract, as per the assessment and evaluation report in Confidential Attachment C to the subject report. To the extent that existing rates cannot be used, an independent quantity surveyor has confirmed that the rates quoted by the existing contractor represent market rates and provide value for money for Council;

(iv)      going to tender would not deliver a better outcome as the market has already been tested for the same types of streetscape works through a previous tender and a schedule of rates contract exists; and

(v)       the existing schedule of rates contract will assist the City to better manage costs and other contract risks;

(C)      authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to finalise negotiations and enter into any documentation required to give effect to this exemption from tender in order to deliver the ‘George Street South Pedestrianisation’ project; and

(D)      Council approve the contingency and additional project budget as outlined in Confidential Attachment A to the subject report.

A show of hands on the motion resulted in an equality of voting as follows: -

Ayes (5)          The Chair (the Lord Mayor), Councillors Kok, Miller, Scully, and Thalis

Noes (5)          Councillors Chung, Forster, Phelps, Scott, and Vithoulkas.

The Chair (the Lord Mayor) exercised her casting vote in favour of the motion.

The motion was declared carried.
