Solar Our Schools

26/10/2020 - Solar Our Schools

Moved by Councillor Phelps, seconded by Councillor Scully –

It is resolved that:

(A)        Council note:

(i)           the World Economic Forum describes climate change as the number-one threat to the world economy, and the World Health Organization warns of the many health threats that climate change poses to humans;

(ii)          the past five years were the hottest five years since the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) began keeping records 139 years ago. Higher temperatures are causing more frequent and extreme weather events, including bushfires, storms, droughts, floods and cyclones;

(iii)        the Australian Parents for Climate Action (AP4CA), which has over 6,000 members across every state and territory, is calling on Prime Minister Scott Morrison to Solar Our Schools by funding solar and batteries for every school and early childhood centre in Australia (with means-tested grants for privately-owned schools and for-profit early learning centres); and

(iv)        Solar Our Schools is the perfect way to stimulate our economy. It will:

(a)         create at least 6,870 renewable energy jobs in all regions of Australia;

(b)         slash school energy bills which frees up more funds for learning resources, saving large schools $114,000 in energy bills per year and small schools $12,700 per year (Beyond Zero Emissions); and

(c)         save millions of tonnes of carbon emissions per year; and

(B)        the Chief Executive Officer be requested to liaise and collaborate with Australian Parents for Climate Action to identify and investigate ways the City of Sydney can support the Solar Our Schools campaign.

Carried unanimously.
