Macleay Street Upgrade Enhanced Notifications

16/11/2020 - Macleay Street Upgrade Enhanced Notifications

Moved by Councillor Forster, seconded by Councillor Scully -

It is resolved that:

(A)        Council note:

(i)          in late 2019, the City of Sydney announced plans to upgrade sections of Macleay Street, Potts Point, including widening and resurfacing of footpaths, new lighting and street furniture, additional street planting and garden beds, and changes to bus stop locations;

(ii)         initial community notification was provided in June 2019, followed by concept design notification beginning in November 2019, and a revised design being presented to the community in March 2020;

(iii)        results of the community feedback survey identified only 38 per cent of people strongly supporting the upgrade with significant concerns raised regarding the impact these works would have on local businesses during the 18 month plus construction process, scheduled to begin in October 2020;

(iv)       a letter dated 4 September 2020 from the Lord Mayor was sent to Potts Point residents notifying them of the impending upgrade works, but outlined only general details about the location of the works, project timetable and working hours; and

(v)         specific work details and associated timetables or plans have not been provided to the residents or local businesses; and

(B)        the Chief Executive Officer be requested to ensure that more detailed and regular upgrade works notifications are distributed to all residents and businesses in and around Macleay Street and surrounds, outlining which sections of the street/s will be impacted by work, the duration or work and construction times in those sections, and including correct City of Sydney contact information for residential and/or business feedback.


Note – the motion above was not carried. The resolution as below was carried –

It is resolved that Council note:

(A)        in late 2019 the City of Sydney announced plans to upgrade sections of Macleay Street, Potts Point, including widening and resurfacing of footpaths, new lighting and street furniture, additional street planting and garden beds, and changes to bus stop locations;

(B)        initial community notification was provided in June 2019, followed by concept design notification beginning in November 2019, and a revised design being presented to the community in March 2020;

(C)       the City received 216 responses to an initial survey about an upgrade of Macleay Street including 71 per cent in support;

(D)       38 percent of respondents strongly supported an upgrade, 33 percent somewhat supported an upgrade, and 29 percent did not support any upgrade;

(E)        the City is committed to collaborate with local businesses on the Macleay Street project to minimise disruption;

(F)        a survey of local businesses was undertaken in July to August 2020 to ask them about optimal construction times;

(G)       feedback from the consultation was used to inform the approved design;

(H)       three rounds of notification letters were issued at different stages of the design process and prior to construction;

(I)          the City’s project team liaise directly with the community and businesses to accommodate requests about construction times; 

(J)         the City will change the construction timetable in response to minimise disruption;

(K)        the construction program is reviewed weekly;

(L)        the City’s project manager and the Contractor’s community liaison officer are dedicated to the Macleay Street project full time.

(M)       their contact information is available on the City of Sydney website and the Contractor, Sydney Civils website;

(N)       both communicate directly with impacted businesses and residents to answer questions about the design and to keep them informed of the works program;

(O)       the project plans are available on the City’s website;

(P)        the City’s Contractor will notify residents and businesses of construction times and dates before works are due to start outside their properties; and

(Q)       the City has a link on its site to the Contractor’s website, that publishes weekly project updates.

The motion, as varied by consent, was carried unanimously.
