Moved by Councillor Forster, seconded by the Chair (the Lord Mayor) -
It is resolved that:
(A) Council note:
(i) at its meeting of 26 October 2020, Council resolved to move quickly to deliver the ‘Al Fresco City’ Program, with both the City and NSW Government acknowledging the need to expedite decisions and processes where possible while prioritising safely managed communal spaces to support community life and businesses;
(ii) in a letter dated 4 November 2020, The Hon. Shelley Hancock MP, Minister for Local Government stated that she is “encouraging all councils in consultation with their communities, to identify areas within their towns, where outdoor dining is appropriate”;
(iii) Yurong Lane, located off Crown Street in Darlinghurst, runs parallel to Stanley Lane, 200 meters to the south, which has been pedestrianised; and
(iv) a similar treatment in Yurong Lane would provide an area suitable for use for outdoor dining or recreational seating, without impacting vehicular access to the laneway from Crown Lane, Riley Street or Stanley Street; and
(B) the Chief Executive Officer be requested to investigate options to pedestrianise the section of Yurong Lane which runs between Crown Lane and Crown Street.
Carried unanimously.