Moved by Councillor Scott, seconded by the Chair (the Lord Mayor) -
It is resolved that:
(A) Council note:
(i) that Council has been committed to ensuring a Covid-safe City since the pandemic began in early 2020;
(ii) City community venues have reopened from 12 October 2020 to existing hirers that are community groups, not-for-profit organisations and churches. This is in addition to the self-help groups, weddings, funerals and wakes that were able to have bookings prior to this;
(iii) City public spaces remain available for use by the public, subject to gathering limits and other restrictions imposed by NSW Health Orders and other pre-existing limitations (for example, in Alcohol Free Zones);
(iv) bookings have been, and remain reduced for City venues to comply with NSW Health Orders; and
(v) the City’s community venues currently enable a range of outdoor activities in courtyards or open spaces, including at King George V, Ultimo, Pyrmont and Junita Neilson Community Centres, and the outdoor space outside Redfern Community Centre; and
(B) the Chief Executive Officer be requested to:
(i) investigate options to support community groups and other organisations who wish to transfer their indoor activities run at City venues to open spaces to, where possible, enable regular activities to recommence in Covid-safe environments;
(ii) investigate options to proactively work with community groups and others on a case by case basis to offer options to transition activities outdoors where possible;
(iii) investigate how all services supported via the City’s community centres prior to Covid-19 can be reinstated in a Covid-safe manner, noting resourcing implications will need to return to Council; and
(iv) report back to Council via the CEO Update on actions taken.
Carried unanimously, as part of an in globo motion.