It is recommended that the Committee endorse the temporary road closure timings for The Rocks Markets area on George Street, The Rocks, by Place Management NSW (PMNSW) for outdoor dining opportunities for tenants and extended Rocks Markets operations during Christmas and new year period.
Voting Members for this Item
Voting Members |
Support |
Object |
City of Sydney |
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Transport for NSW |
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NSW Police – |
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Representative for the Member for |
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The Committee unanimously supported the recommendation.
PMNSW has partnering with
Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority (ILGA) and the City of Sydney (CoS) to
deliver an outdoor dining pilot that will streamline outdoor alcohol licensing
requirements for venues. The Rocks hotels and restaurants have been put
forwardas the initial priority focus to trial new regulations to assist local
tenants in The Rocks for extended trading.
There are opportunities
for The Mercantile Hotel on George St The Rocks to trade on each Friday
evenings in December and January. The Rocks Markets operations currently closes
the road each weekend from Sat 4am till Sun at 10pm and during some public
PMNSW is requesting the
LPCTCC endorsement to close the George St markets area 12hrs earlier at 4pm on
Friday afternoons on 11th, 15th Dec and 1st Jan.
The Rocks area outdoor
dining program is swelling and meeting objectives by Government for jobs
creation and the economy recovery.
Location - George St
between Lower Fort Street and Hickson Road (The Rocks Markets Area)
Dates proposed:
Friday 11th December at
4pm till Saturday 12th at 4am - (The Rocks Markets closure applies at Sat 4am
till Sun 10pm)
Friday 18th December at
4pm till Saturday 19th at 4am - (The Rocks Markets closure applies at Sat 4am
till Sun 10pm).
Friday 1st January at
4am till Saturday 2nd Jan at 4am, being a continuation of the NYE closure. (The
Rocks Markets closure applies at Sat 4am till Sun 10pm).
Friday 8th January at
4pm till Saturday 19th at 4am - (The Rocks Markets closure applies at Sat 4am
till Sun 10pm).
Friday 15th January at
4pm till Saturday 19th at 4am - (The Rocks Markets closure applies at Sat 4am
till Sun 10pm).
Friday 22nd January at
4pm till Saturday 19th at 4am - (The Rocks Markets closure applies at Sat 4am
till Sun 10pm).
Friday 29th January at
4pm till Saturday 19th at 4am - (The Rocks Markets closure applies at Sat 4am
till Sun 10pm).
The proposed closures
for the hotels, markets and restaurants of The Rocks are to provide greater
opportunity for social distancing, increased patronage and active public space
in a period when small business operators in the area are experiencing
significant financial impact due to the COVID pandemic. This provides
opportunities for existing business operators to expand their offerings and
pursue opportunities through NSW Government assets, which contributes to the
broader NSW economic recovery efforts.
The proposal will change
timings and operations of the normal Rocks Markets traffic conditions and
surrounding road network for the period of operations.
The local access
arrangements to tenants, mail zone and loading zones will be managed by traffic
controllers who will be programmed for the period of closures. Access for
authorised vehicles will be provided at both the North and South closure areas.
Place Management NSW has
consulted and notified adjacent properties, business and stakeholder of the
intention to implement the temporary works. Millers Point Action Group and
Walsh Bay Precinct Association will be advised as per normal processes.
Enquiries and feedback directed to the Director, Partnerships, Activation and
Customer Experience at Place Management NSW.
PMNSW continue to work
closely and consult with NSW Police, TfNSW, CSTTC, and City of Sydney and Port
Authority NSW on this activity.
All costs associated
with the parking spaces, signs, traffic controllers, Rangers, road barriers and
accessible ramps has and will been borne by PMNSW.